
Sneak peek #2 of ZBrush 4R2

This software keeps improving, looks great. :smiley:

Amazing! Can’t wait…

That is truly amazing… It looks like a good deal of my ZB wishes are coming true.
Great work Pixo and team!!




The was awesome I don’t even understand half of what I just watched.

amazing :smiley:

So there is no still development on retopology tool?

The new developments look great but this is the one I’m waiting for, the one that keeps stopping me from finishing models because it’s so damn tedious.

Bolean operations look awesome though.

Simply amazing … my jaw dropped :grimacing:
Thank you Pixologic :+1:

OMG !!! Awesome as always // arhhhh…hhh :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

There looks to be some amazing additions, though it was abit like
WOW brain can’t register so much awesomeness :lol:

In saying that. There are features that Zbrush is crying for when it comes to production, which havent been hinted at.
No 64bit…no linux version… where is vector displacement and Ptex…
and Im sorry but the retop tools in Zbrush are awful and clunky.
(3d Coat is light years ahead in that department.

Really looking forward to getting my hands on it… just hope Pixologic has a nice suprise for us come release (ie the above features) :slight_smile:

on the seventh day he created ZB and then there was light !!! :smiley:


For those of us not able to attend Siggraph this year, could you please videotape sessions at the booth and post them online here? They do that every year on C4D’s Cineversity and it is extremely helpful.


Wooooooow Nice :smiley:

Holy smokes! I need to process what I just watched. :eek:

Wow indeed mindblowing, didnt understand half of that prolly going to watch it again :slight_smile: However is there confirmation that this release will support 64bit?? cuz they will be the biggest let down if it doesnt. Also a better way to paint on UVs would be appreciated, mudbox does it with layers : /

God save pixologic

looks interesting. wondering what the section on the Anatomical sculpt was for? I mean it was masking, some inflate and polypainting with red color. Seemed like regular Z Stuff to me. Did anyone figure out if there was a new feature in that part.

The building type model had booleans in it I guess, could be useful for hard surface stuff. But it used a lot of transpose, and was played real fast. Didn’t seem to be using subtools, seemed like blocks and cylinders were being added to the same tool on the fly. Couldn’t see the subtool menu.

Didn’t get what was new in the material section TBH. Procedural maybe?

There definitely is some Sculptris type feature there at the beginning.

Zspheres or Zsketching is getting a boost. i like that part.

no retopology features…retopology is a hurdle for me in 3D:cry:

Absolutely perfect for…Christmas!:smiley:

mind blowing !! :eek:

Im so excited, sculptris style is gonna be awesome. There will be so many ways to generate geometry in zbrush. And having Zbrush brushes combined with adaptive tessellation is gonna be amazing.

HDR and rendering i think is gonna be more useful than we think, especially if it is relatively easy to use and combined with the timeline will be awesome.

I just HOPE we will see a little production focused additions in the form of vector displacements, ptex and the ever elusive 3d uv painting. oh i hope.