

Very Nice!


Top Row stuff,


WOW, amazing work, love it!! Top row for sure!!

Really like this. Would also love to see a breakdown.

The only issue I had with it was the first card looked a bit strange. Like it is cut in half or something.?

Wow…very sexy mistress
Fantastic work ! Great texturing and finish work !

I can just concur, the symbol is not very good to show even though it is history, but it’s bad history. In germany for example you get problems with the law showing that symbol!
Other than that really nice work, love the render and the composite!
Keep on rockin’ buddy without the symbols :smiley:

  • Kenny:)

This is fabulous work on all counts well done! congratz!

I still don’t get this trolling regarding the symbol - it’s history. Portraying this symbol does not mean celebrating it, but rather the symbol conveys evil in the piece, and in artwork why should there be such limits to work - shall we never draw anything that portrays evil within our history in that case (again when the intent is to portray the evil in some context, not to celebrate it by drawing it, if it’s the latter then there’s a problem indeed)? Everyone in the world is pretty much unanimous in the association of that symbol and evil so I don’t see what the fuss is really, it’s not like someone’s celebrating the symbol in the piece

Regardless, great work! *****

SCHEIßE…ehhr Sorry… Scheibenkleister is this good!

Really love it!

(Whats this about the Swastika? Arent Hollywood movies full of Nazivillains? You would have a hard time cleaning all this up, wouldnt you?

I always found it kind of ridiculos, that overly correct people here in Germany even demand to delete the Swastikas from modelkits of that period. This is almost like trying to alter history…)

Stunning piece - solid modeling skillz and damnit - how did you set up the lighting and rendering to end up with such an image???
Some backinfo on that would be very appreciated!!!

For the symbol on her shoulder: Guys this is a piece of art - an illustration! … and using such a symbol for this kind of purpose is not against the law. Otherwise IRON SKY for example would never see a screen these days…
I would’ve liked to see this image with another symbol since it’s against my personal taste and I’m german - but as an artist I can understand using this in an artistic context…

agree with jake and vise1

this is a great piece no matter what!:+1:

Wow! I’m shocked! Thanks for the kind words guys, really appreciate it!!
There’s some things I’d still like to tidy up, especially that 1st Card @Chris Spade, thanks for noticing that, its supposed to be bent by her pinky but I seem to have lost the light detail altogether. I’l sort that.

I’l make a breakdown page soon to show my workflow on creating the various bits from scratch. I timelapsed parts of the gun creation too, so I’l get that posted.
Also I’l back track this Goliath of a PSD file to try and get the concoction of material passes that I used to get the skin along with the settings from Zbrush.

As for the symbol, I sort of regret not reading into it more. It just didn’t occur to me that it might cause controversy at all, I assumed it was just a historic symbol. Oh well, no bad intended. Thanks for all your thoughts and opinions on it, much appreciated!

Here’s some plain grey grabs for you guys.



Awesome, she looks like a bad ass/realistic jessica rabbit!
You nailed the attitude…and everything else! :slight_smile:

it is!
i think most of the people who complain about, just needed a reason for trolling.

the indiana jones movies, hellboy, hellsing, rocketeer,… are full of characters like this and nobody cares

don’t worry too much about this. you did a great job

And I really dig this Luger Pistole. She has a nice sligthly cartoony feeling about it, just like the rest.

Lunar-tik, don’t worry about the anti-swastika comments man/ If our society has gotten so sensitive that we can’t even use the ultimate symbol of evil as a minor part in a great piece of art then I don’t hold much hope for the future. Fantastic work, please keep it up!:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Edit: almost forgot my question. I’m assuming the smoke was done in PS, but I know there’s a tricky way of simulating it in Zbrush even though I havent had and success with it yet, so just confirm for me one way or the other.

great job dude!

Hey all!

Thanks again for the feedback!

I’m starting to assemble some timelapses for a WIP, does anyone have some pointers on making a timelapse movie? Like the best settings to use for exporting, and compressing the whole thing without losing too much quality. I have’nt got a clue :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, here’s an uncropped version I’m deciding whether or not to go for…


Hey, again fabulous work!

I would love to see timelapses / tutorial from u, especially considering this was a ZB render!

This work should be top row already, but if not now then surely once u post the tutorials it must go top
I eagerly await those tutorials/timelapses!


Excellent work all round. Those folds are very well executed. When I saw Inglorious Basterds, (awesome film) the film was littered with swastikas to portray the characters therein. It didn’t bother me then and it doesn’t bother me now. Lets stay on art people. Once again, killer work. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Really excellent work! She looks like one of those sexy pin-ups from the 1940’s. Very sexy! :+1:

very nice… i however would prefer her without the gasmask…! she would fit in wolfenstein perfectly…

also whats the polycount of your scene?