
Scared Silly Entry by Steven Wood


You should be proud, kudos to you, like so many other entries this has turned out sooo well… going to be some tuff decisions for folks to make. Like this one from the start… nice execution. Hope to see more :+1: :+1: soon!

Great job! Dead on with your concept.

Thanks guys and gals, I appreciate that. I got tired of staring at the final render wondering what else I could do with it so I just went ahead and posted what I have.
I’m still not completely happy with it, but I suppose we’ll all say that about our own work.

Hello Woody,

Very nice image…You captured the attitude of Lil Punky very good.
Good luck to you.

Really funny image WOODY! Gota love little Punky in the pie costume :lol: It seem weird to me that the background character are lit so different from Punky.

Great work all along

WOODY! This is fantastic! I’d love to have this as a poster in my study! You’ve done an amazing job well done!

I love the composition on this, really jumps out at you.

Pete B

Great work, -WOODY-! I like how the backround pumpkins are crammed together in fear.

Hey Woody!

Well done on this I love the dynamic camera angle and attitude of this piece and very nice colours too.

It came out great!

It’s certainly been a monster of a competition

Good stuff, good luck and as always…

Keep on Z-ing!

Thanks again folks

Now it’s hard to keep my mind on things because here recently the company I work for is going through tough times because my job is tourism related. Gas prices has a lot to do with it…
It would be a bummer to win then find out I just lost my job lol. Ah well, I don’t want to be a kill-joy on things

Good luck to all.