
Samuel's Zbrush Adventure!

Fun stuff samm. You like to play with Style and thats good. It gives you more range. The alien warrior princess is my favorite :+1:

hey man - just noticed your ear solution on the cat girl. i like. the piece turned out good overall too.

@ Tartan: Thanks! yes I agree, I like playing around with as many styles as possible. want to be able to adapt to any situation that arises. Glad you like her ^^

@magbhitu: cheers man! Thanks for pointing that out to me on LunchCrunch, I look back at the first one now and think “haha” looked weird. wonder if I’d have overlooked it if you didn’t say something?

any way, here is my Scottish clansman cartoon character nearing completion. (I think) lol still a few things to do, but I think he is mostly done.

Breaking the symmetry on the face will give him the kind character favored by the asymmetrical Scots.

@boozy floozie ahh Yess! brilliant point! I’ll play around with that idea give him a crooked nose, offset blemishes and such. thanks for the thought!

I finally got around to posing this Scottish fella. broke up symmetry a tad. enjoy :slight_smile: inspired by King Fergus from Pixars BRAVE.
farquharson 2.jpg

looking great! - just one thing, if you’re gona exaggerate the size of the sword hilt, why not make the blade wider also. cartoon sword for cartoon character

nice work mate :smiley: . .nice model and texture . . . it really takes time to pose and you did it . .
keep it up :smiley:

@magbhitu, took your advice, made the sword a bit thicker. I think it matches his girth a bit better now. thanks. :slight_smile:
@nitrox721, Thanks man. yes indeed this was my second attempt at posing since Zbrush Crashed the first time. haha it takes a bit of patience that’s for sure.
also played around with render settings a little bit. enjoy. :slight_smile:

Nice! His elbows need to point out away from his body though. The posture of them being pointed inward makes it feel more like he’s afraid.

yah that’s the ticket - a big sword for a big guy!

one night as I was drifting off to sleep, suddenly this image of a large beast crawling out of huge chasms in the earth all aflame and horrible!(like the Balrog) flashed before my vision for a split second, I immediately flicked on the light and began sketching the creature before it slipped away. the next day I began to sculpt my nightmare and this is kinda how it looked. :slight_smile: still a WIP

sweet… i like the ****roach meets dragon body

That’s a bad ass design man:+1:

Yeah! I like your Brain tooo… LOL Deke

@Magbhitu - thanks, I thought it was something a bit different than usual :stuck_out_tongue:
@Santis - Cheers man, glad you like.
@Blueferret - hahaha sweeet! thanks dude!

Spent a bit of time texturing and coloring the beast close to how it appeared in my mind hope you enjoy :slight_smile:


wow~! I like your detail!!
Amazing work!!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

@Ki yong, Sim - Thank you very much! :slight_smile: I am a huge fan of your work, thanks for checking out my page ^^

Trying my hand at a likeness bust again, and just a general study of the male face.
any crit/feed back I would love. also can you try and guess who it is? :stuck_out_tongue: hopefully I’m not too far off.
3view likeness.jpg

showing a bit more of the detailing, I found the texture was taking away from the creature itself a bit too much, might re-visit coloring again later. also put it in an action pose for a bit of fun. :slight_smile: