
Rouhollah Toghyani's ZGallery

Awesome work Rouhollah! love the cloth folds. Solid sculpt!

thanx Yasin, still amazed by your twisted sensation man :wink:

I really love it rouhollah.nice details

wish u luck my friend :wink:

Thank you for kind words Mandana :slight_smile:

I’m really happy to share with you my latest project, “Message for Gray Wizard”, it’s the first from a series of portraits i gonna make, in this one i was inspired by Gandalf and Lord of the Rings world. started by sculpting a sphere, retopoed using Zremesher. painted in Mari and rendered with Arnold in Maya, Hairs done by Yeti. hope you enjoy and feed me with your great feedbacks. cheers :wink:




Ace work man. I feel like the eyelids are lacking some colour information though. They feel a bit flat compared to the rest of the image. What versions of Yeti and Arnold are u using? Couldn’t get Yeti 1.2.17 working with Arnold 0.25 myself

Wow! This is fantastic! Great details, but above all, this picture tells a great story :smiley:

wow ! :+1:

Hell yeah dude! Freaking love this. Superb details. Can’t wait for the next one ;]

fun! :slight_smile:

Maybe eyes are not enough squinting! :wink:

Wonderful! Love how his nose looks like it is popping right out of the computer. Love the funny look on his face like it just had to be his nose that it decided to fly onto, can’t squish it, if he does it will be ouch or yucko! lol love it.

The smallest crit though One eye has the triple squares in the highlight of it, to me it is throwing off the light that highlights his face the other eye where you see the eyelashes is alright and makes it more real looking because of this. Just get rid of the triple row square lights.

Wonderful sculpt and texture job can’t wait for more. Good luck to you and of course Happy ZBrushing!<object type=“cosymantecnisbfw” cotype=“cs” id=“SILOBFWOBJECTID” style=“width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;”></object>

“zenopelgrims” thank you my friend. arnold .23 and yeti 1.2.1 for me works like a charm
“Basia” thanks man. for me story is most important thing
“lemontmoon” thanks
“SuperHer0” dear Yasin, thank you so much. looking forward to see more from you man. keep going
“Frenchy Pilou” thank you, more squinting, yea it maybe works
“Seavannah” yes I agree the biggest problem is with eyes and its reflections. thank you for feedback

Hi. this is my latest personal project. all models are completely sculpted and remeshed in zbrush. I also used fibermesh for grooming hair style. this method is explained before in this thread. I poly painted head model in zbrush and finished textures in Mari. and mudbox for super fine details. hope you like it.

a WIP shot from skin shader setup. rendered using Arnold

Haha, this looks so cool dude! That expression is priceless, crazy hair too :smiley:

It looks very cool! Soulful work.

thank you Yasin. btw congratulation for being featured in solid angle website :wink:
Lexxx69 thank you man.

some wip shots

she is soo sweet :slight_smile:

You’re most welcome, Rouhollah! Hehe, congrats to you too :slight_smile:

Wow, you made those hair with fiber mesh or with curves ?, ether way looks awesome.
As for the render, the shadows are wayyy too soft, to the point where you can look up her nose holes, feels like an sss overkill, its weird, since the shadows on the hair have full range up to black, but those on the skin only go to dark brown, feels mismatched.

These are really cool dude, really like your last and the old man! very nice.

Just incredible, looks just like my grandma :smiley: