
robo3687's Sketchbook 2009

my first zsketch, i thought i would use them to flesh out the body for mick…just for now its the main forms, i’m going to go through shortly and add muscles etc.




Fun stuff.

now i doubt i’d ever find time to do this but i just wanted to throw the inspiration out there…

i read brian azzarello’s Joker the other day and Lee Bermejo’s artwork is absolutely stunning right throughout the book…i particularly liked the way he designed all the characters

i’d love to do some sort of work based around the design of all these guys but as i said before i doubt i’d find the time…




as part of the new hardcore modeling challenge over at cgsociety i’ve started working on a self portrait.

the subject is “Classical Self Portrait” where you have to do a portrait based on a piece of art or sculpture. I’m just doing one of my head based loosely around the busts you always see of the various composers (Beethoven, Mozart etc) after 3 or so hours this arvo this is where I am…





update on me


i quite like the new skinshade4 matcap…



you’re doing great so far. Improving quickly! Likenesses are wicked hard and a genre that’s rough to get started in sculpting with. Really good exercise though. I’d say on your new self-portrait to “uncross” your eyes by slightly rotating them outward about 5 degrees or so. Also, be close to pay attention the nasal labial fold, seems to be missing compared to your real face. Keep it up!!

thanks sandpiper

unfortunately on my self portrait i had a crash on save (which has never happened to me before) and i lost the whole work, however zbrush did recover the document so i have a little snapshot of where it was up to before the crash. I don’t suppose theres a way to yank the model out of the document?..probably not…


also we’re finally up to the texturing stage in our game character course and here’s my first progress on my commander keen redo, obviously the eyes havent been done yet


finally got around to resculpting me, i feel its a lot closer now




aww dont give up on foley! one of my all time faves, like to see him finished

don’t worry i haven’t given up on mick, just been working on a few things

here’s an update on me, added hair, just basic shapes for now…




i’ve given the hair a once over with the clay tubes brush, sharpening the shapes up, and also went over the goatee and eyebrows with the slash2 brush to help define those a bit more too…




Hey man. Very nice to see your progress. If I may point out that the cheek bone needs more work, now it kinda sinks in under the eye. Try taking a photo of yourself in dim light with no flash, you’ll get all that bone definition with shadows outlining it.

Good work :+1:

some more progress

this is the sculpture i’m basing this on (it’s for the hardcore modeling challenge over at cgtalk)

  • added a few layers of clothes (unfinished, just basic shapes for now)
  • added a disgruntled expression
  • tilted and turned the head
  • added a temporary pedestal

i still have to readjust the headphones though


more progress, and playing with render passes and such


Great works here! Nice commander keen so far, I loved that game. For the self portrait I’d say you nailed yourself! That doesn’t sound right…anyways nice work, that last render awesome!!

Wow! it’s you!, just like your picture, brother! great job!, also the george clooney model looks really like him! keep it up! this is gonna be a very cool sketchbook :+1:

thanks guys, here’s an update, i detailed out the hair some more and tilted my head down ever so slightly more…bigger render this time too




Turned out quite nice! In future you might wanna double check how those bones around the eyes flow.

The self portrait is super amazing! It says to me “Now that is just enough detail in all the right places to give it character, charm, and talent of the artist.”

Great job man.

This just keeps getting better and better, Robo; a perfect likeness from what we can see of the photo!
Great work!!!