

This is brilliant. I am so inspired by this. I would love to see your render breakdown.

That sir is just amazing! Has to be one of the coolest sculpts I have ever seen! Congrats sir! :slight_smile:

so cool! what about the render?

Amazing model as always Grassetti !!!
Top row for sure!!!
Congrats !!!

then, first u do a sketch of the face, qremesh and final detailing. My question is, u do the body in different parts? or make the whole body and then make the subtools?

and final question, do u normaly use qremesh? or maybe u use max or topogun?

thanks for sharing your work

Spot on to the concept, awesome!
What material is that in the sculpting process shots?

Beautiful! This is top row stuff! Fantastic control. Thanks for sharing!

Whoah, that thing looks vicious! Love the design, as well as your ability to sculpt beautifully. Looking forward to what you spit out next :+1:

PS didnt see it was grasetti at first, it all makes sense now

Hey really cool design and well done ! :slight_smile:

Wow, amazing!
Nice creature, kind of a mix of crab, insect and squid. Very inspiring.
Love the details and execution.

Cheers Caglar
Next top row i guess.

amazing!!! stunning work!

Just amazing in every respect! The Visual Raptor! :smiley: well deserved TOP ROW.

cheers, David

great work

simply amazing as always , tnx for the breakdown :+1:

Aaaaawesome! Sculpt. Has a very realistic feel to it and I love the colors you used.

very nice sculpt and texture is great!

very sweet realization of the concept. I enjoy the subtle details you added into the sculpt that aren’t in the 2d version.

That is an absolutely awesome piece. I love the detail and the silhouette of the creature. Makes me want to go and find an old creature design of my own and start sculpting it…yeah I think I will do that.

amazing as always! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Lovely work - :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: