
Questions and Troubleshooting for ZBrush 4R3

I tested the “Vector Displacement Map” export and unfortunately I have some problems with it that I couldn’t figure out.

When I switch off “vd SUV” and/or “vd SNormals” the UV mapping seems to get broken!

Here is an overview about the different map types:

The four digit number behind the filename shows the options in binary coded form where “1” means activated and “0” means deactivated. The order of the options is: “vd Tangent”, “vd 32Bit”, “vd SUV” and “vd SNormals”.

  1. row: 16 Bit world maps

  2. row: 32 Bit world maps

  3. row: 16 Bit tangent maps

  4. row: 32 Bit tangent maps

  5. column: both, “vd SUV” and “vd SNormals” are off

  6. column: “vd SUV” is off and “vd SNormals” is on

  7. column: “vd SUV” is on and “vd SNormals” is off

  8. column: both, “vd SUV” and “vd SNormals” are on

Is this a bug or do I miss something?



Hi Doug,

Many thanks for your help. I think as some people have this error and others not it is unlikely to be a naming issue and something is getting corrupted along the way. Perhaps you could try re-installing just PaintStop after downloading the 4R2 version from the Download Center?

  1. Locate and delete the PaintStop_4_08Mac.ZSC file in the ZStartup/ZPlugs folder.
  2. Locate and delete the PaintStopData4 folder in the ZStartup/ZPlugs folder.
  3. Download the ZBrush 4R2 Mac version of PaintStop from the Download Center.
  4. Unzip to your Desktop.
  5. Open the containing folder and move the PaintStop_4_08Mac.ZSC file and PaintStopData4 folder to the ZStartup/ZPlugs folder.
  6. Restart ZBrush.


(I’m testing on the latest MacOSX by the way.)

How does this work with schools? More specifically, the Academy of Art in San Francisco? I’m afraid to upgrade to r3 because when r2 came out, they were not able to upgrade until 3 months after, so I was unable to take home projects to school and vice versa. Will it be the same problem here, or will they be able to upgrade all their licenses without too much hassle? Just wondering, because I completely missed out on r2b because of the issue, and am salivating for r3! Thanks.

Hi pixologic!
thank you very much for this upgrade!
i have a problem with pressure sensitivity on my tablet. it doesen’t work though i enable it from the preference>tablet menu.
there is something wrong or have I missed something?
thank you in advance and thank you again to cleanprevious bugs!

Hi Marcus,

I read this in the instructions:

ZBrush 4R3 will count against your serial number as a new activation. It is therefore highly recommended that before Updating, you deactivate your current copy of ZBrush to free your license up for a ZBrush 4R3 activation. Launch ZBrush and click the Zplugin>Deactivation>Web Deactivation button. When your browser opens, enter your email address and then submit the form. You will also need to confirm the deactivation. Once this has been done you may proceed.

I opened the Zplugins but there is no ‘Deactivation’ in my Zplugin menu items (see image below).

No Deactivation in Zplugin in 4R2b.jpg

What’s the best back-up plan for deactivation?


SunOfaGun, … it worked!

[good call, btw]:wink:

Note, ZB4R2b update on my workstation Mac was untouched other than a confirmation launch after updating. So any corruption or alteration to the PaintStop plugin must have occured during the 4r2b update or earlier. Otherwise why would I have the identical error on two separate machines while others do not. Both machines have been consistently updated/upgraded since ZBr3. Curious.

Also, query the other users who did not get the error and see if they are running Snow Leopard instead of Lion, or perhaps an earlier version of Lion. There were Apple issues with Lion prior to v.7.3, although none were Zbrush related (to my knowledge).

Thank you Marcus:D

Hi Ezra,

There’s a backup system for these kinds of issues.

Go ahead and proceed with the update. After updating, do Web Activation. IF you get a message that your serial number has been activated too many times you will also see a button to “View Activation History”. Click that. You’ll then see a list of the activations counting against your serial number. Check the box for the one that has been lost and submit that form. This will create a Support ticket with the info we need to remove the offending activation from the account. Then just wait for an email from Support letting you know it’s been processed.

Turn-around time during normal business hours is usually within two hours.

I installed fine on Mac without a Paint Stop error. I have 2 macs one with Snow Leopard and one with Lion. Both installs worked fine.


ZBrush is capable of handling multiple UV regions this why the UVs must be with in a UV region and not crossing or on the border edge into another region.

If your UV layout is crossing the border or sitting right on the border edge this may be why you are experiencing the issues when the SNormals and SUV is turned off. Simply shrink your UVs so that none of the UVs are crossing the border or on the border edge of the UV tile.


Thanks Doug,

That’s great, thanks for letting me know, and we’ll continue to look into this.


Hi Marcus

Thanks for all your help, that worked fine :slight_smile:
Instead of downloading 4R2 I just replaced the files you mentioned with the same files from my 4R2 backup.
Started up without any problems.


Thanks dill,

That’s great, and thanks for letting me know.


Hey just wondering if anyone has found the right settings for 32bit vd with tangent, snormals, smooth uvs, going to 3ds max 2012 using vray displacement mod. I have been trying all day and cant get it right. also what do I do with the number that I get from the diagnostic?

Great, thanks, that did the trick! :+1: :smiley:
(Yes, my UVs where maximised so that they where sitting right on the border.)

This Fix worked for me!


Go to “Preferences” -> “Importexport” and set there “FlipAndSwitch” and “Tangent FlipAndSwitch” to this value.

And don’t forget to save these settings (“Preferences” -> “Config” -> “Store Config”) because otherwise it’s reset to “1” again when you start ZBrush the next time.

Sorry I didnt explain myself properly. What I ment to say was what do I do with the value zbrush gives when you create a diagnostic map. ie when you export a 32 bit map the value is always 1 and if its a 16 bit map it could be something like 2.5 or whatever. Where do I put this number?

ZBrush is crashing on me as soon as I press the Noise button under Surface. I can apply a preset no problem but when I press the edit button I get the same crash.
Windows7 32bit. Did a system restart.
This was the thing I wanted to play with the most. Boo hoo hoo.

I’ve tried this about a dozen times before I decided to post the problem. Just before I pressed the button to post this I thought I’ll have one more go. It worked perfectly.

Hold the presses. In the time that it took me to type that last line ZBrush crashed. Again just before I pressed the button to post this I thought I’d check ZBrush just in case. I switched to the app. Crashed.

I think I’ve got a piss taking ghost haunting my ZBrush.

I’ll be back.

Oh okay, now I think I know what you mean! :lol:

It’s about the “Use factor of xx to render in an external application.” message, right?

You need this factor value for any 16 bit vector displacement map (so it is not restricted to the diagnostic map!) and it is the hight value for your displacement.
I don’t know, where exactly this is to find in 3DSMAX 2012 (I’m a MAXON Cinema 4D user) but there have to be such a setting somewhere at the material displacement attributes.

But in the first place to get a map that works in your application you also have to set the “FlipAndSwitch” and “Tangent FlipAndSwitch” settings in ZBrush to the right, value, as I told you before. And that is, what the diagnostic test scene is for, to find out this value.
(I guess, that is what you try now. ;))

And regarding to the “ZBrush4_R3_whats_new.pdf” this value is most likely “7” for 3DSMAX 2012.

By the way, the right “FlipAndSwitch” and “Tangent FlipAndSwitch” setting for C4D compatibility is “3”. :cool:

Kind regards,

Edit Solved
Go into Zbrush 4.0 directory,startup directory
Zscript directory
rename defaults script to “XXXdefaultscript” then enter
start ZBrush 4.0 as usual
Zbrush 4.0 will display a message stating it can find the defaults script
press ok
the program should be working correctly at this point.