
Queen of the Sea

This work made me sign up. I just had to say how talented I thought you were. Please do not ever stop doing it.

Yeah! WooHoo! Top Row! Congrats & Cheers so glad to see it up there! I am so happy for you. Great piece of art! :smiley:

and of course ā€¦Happy ZBrushing

cant wait to see moreā€¦<object type=ā€œcosymantecnisbfwā€ cotype=ā€œcsā€ id=ā€œSILOBFWOBJECTIDā€ style=ā€œwidth: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;ā€></object>

A great sculpt. The toes of her boots should be as scuffed up as her faceā€¦:smiley:

Wow! Thanks so much everyone. Iā€™m honored to be on top row with so many amazing artists who have inspired me. Iā€™ve been getting a lot of questions about how I created the ornate details on the cloths. Iā€™m making a step by step tutorial and Iā€™ll post it as soon as Iā€™m done. Happy ZBrushing!

Thanks for taking some time out DK, looking forward to the tutorial alreadyā€¦

Outstanding work!!!

Great Amount of detailsā€¦

Great stuff. Would not to be walking down a dark alley way and bump into a hag pirate like this.
Well sculpted and deep scars all round.

Nice work!Awesome!

You are amazing! I canā€™t wait to see it!

I think she is really beautiful, despite not having the usual ā€˜pretty faceā€™. Really inspiring work, I hope to be as good one day =) Thanks so much for sharing!

Pheeee. Nominal.

This makes me pretty sad when looking at my own work :wink:

elaborate a sculpture :+1:

The tooled leatherā€¦! Iā€™m swooning. Please post a tutorial!

Seen this a long time before I registered. I thought Iā€™d leave a comment and say how outstanding your work is.

Great work! Keep it up!!!

I like your realistic approach to the design. Nice detail work and your intent that was described is obviously showing here. Very nice work.

Beautiful work, very unique design. You can feel the character in her face / clothes.

A tutorial or a hint as to how you made the clothingā€™s patterns would be highly, highly appreciated. :+1:small_orange_diamond:D

I am currently trying to see if I can bring details in from Maya from vector art transformed to geo.