
Portfolio v2.0

nice sculpt for Cloth!!

Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

Worked on this ugly fellow a little bit today. I’m gonna be pretty busy in the coming weeks, so not quite sure when I’m gonna finish him. Hopefully I will have some time tomorrow to finish the head.


really like teh style of teh vampire !!

I really like your works mr.Banana … keep them coming :smiley: :wink:

Great sculpts!:+1:

Thanks, guys :slight_smile:

Here’s a little update. The head is done. I can work on this forever refining the details, but there’s no point in that. I might change the back horns once the body is in place.


Another update:

awesome job on the cloth

Holy crap. Not a big fan of the “loaded with details” look on the head (but that’s just me)… but the clothing is insanely well done !

I like the head but the second (from the back) set of horns is kinda too much IMO. Just the first pair would look better, but then again that;s just me

Thanks guys. I’m not too fond of the back horns as well, but I tried to make the silhouette a bit more interesting.

Anyways, the modeling part is basically done. Just need to finish a couple of accessories and move on to low poly

Love this character, but man those back horns are killing me, do something with them, they look like half tubes coming out of his head :confused: like why cut the back and not the front? does it fit the character? Idk, but its damn fine sculpting

Im just lacking few more smoothed areas on his face ;D
But man did you master cloth sculpting or what ;D

Framedworld: Like I said, I was just trying to make a more interesting character. I sure as hell didn’t like when horns were full, like the front pair, and I don’t really like how it look without them. Not sure if I would be able to do something with them.

slocik: haha yeah well, I love sculpting cloth for some weird reason.

Anyway, thought I’d post it. Wasn’t quite satisfied with how the head looked, especially the neck area, so I’ve decided to clean it up a little bit. Plus tweaked some proportions here and there.

This is some very excellent stuff! Love your latest sculpt a lot. How did you go about sculpting the wrinkles and skin?

I really like the way you made the cloth. I know how hard that can be to get it to look realistic. Very well done

I love the way this is going.
Face- Try to introduce elements of bone and other decayed flesh to parts of deep tissue loss. Then break the Symmetry on the face even more, introduce some round big spots on the face, little details that bring out the model even more.
Love what you did with the Horns btw, with the part thank links the horns to the head, most people would leave it just as two geometries but you added this other element which is Great!

Seen your other pieces also, Magic! =)

amazing work, next top row ;)!

Thanks, guys :slight_smile:

Dudeman95: Just a lot of references, that’s all. I usually don’t use any alphas and such, so everything here is hand sculpted.

AjdinBarucija: Thanks, appreciate the feedback. I’ve changed the head even more, but I think I’m done with it. I might be able to capture all the different tissues on hes face once I’m in the texturing stage, but for now - it’s done. Been tweaking it way too much, getting sick of just looking at it to be honest.

Anyways, here’s the final sculpt. This time I mean it. The model got to a point where I’m losing my interest in, so gotta move on to the next step. Basically I tweaked the silhouette a little bit, so it’s not so flat and made some small changes to head.

Also here’s something I did a couple of days ago. I’ll save it for now, 'cause I really like how it turned out. And, this will be perfect if ever get to make a series of characters in that style, which is what I wanted to do for quite some time. We’ll see…


You need to do soem tutorial on cloth sclupting or something ;D Just magic, you just google reference ? And the caricature bust is great ;D