
Pixologic and ILM - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Pixologic would like to congratulate ILM, Disney and the artists at ILM for the amazing visual effects work on Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.

Geoff Campbell
Frank Gravatt
Jung-Sueng Hong
Martin Murphy
Sunny Li Hsien Wei
Giovanni Nakpil
Mark Siegel
Lenny Lee
Lana Lan
Dave Folger
John Goodson

We would like to give a special thanks to Andrew Cawrse for beginning the dialogue between Pixologic and ILM and being such a good friend, to Cliff Plumer, Miles Perkins, Geoff Campbell, Sunny Wei and David Meny.

It was a great pleasure to work with the ILM team and we, at Pixologic, learned alot from them and continue to learn. We look forward to continuing our relationship and doing our part to help shape the future of digital art and visual effects.

We will have an interview available soon to share with the ZBrush Community. :slight_smile:

Keep ZBrushing!

The Pixologic Team


in the new 3D generation

what the software they use for composing?
there is some shuts looks like they use different render engines
what the render engines they use?
we’ll extremely waite!!!

Congratulations to all the amazing artists at ILM and of course the amazing Pixologic team! Dead Man’s Chest is hands down my favorite VFX work to date. Just a drop dead beautiful film. It’s also great to hear that the gears are still turning at Pixologic, despite all the commotion over a certain other product :lol: I can’t wait to see what Pixologic is hiding up its sleeves :slight_smile:

I’m so jealous… the movie will be released here in Brazil in a week or so :frowning:
I’m very curious to watch it. The trailers look so AWESOME and inspiring.

Congratulations to all of you that worked on making the movie. I can see a lot of dedication and talent behind these shots!!! (and I heard that they are even better when they are moving… wow!)

One day, hopefully, I will work on a high profile movie like this with tons of ZBrush work!!! Till there, I’ll keep ZBrushing here in my laptop at home and dreaming :+1:


Who doesn’t love to see ZBrush used in the professional fields (movies/games…etc.) It makes me want to better myself with the application and maybe change my “hobbyist” status!

Awesome work ILM!

Congrats to all at ILM for outstanding work. Amazing job. :slight_smile:

Congrats, ILM, on a spectacular visual treat. Looking forward to the interview here and I hope you all are doing post-mortum articles on the VFX production for some of the magazines! Amazing stuff indeed!


'nother point for Zbrush! Feeling much pride. Tnx ILM for all the fantasies they have given us so far, and thanks Pixologic for making some of it possible!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great movie, fantastic job.
Now if they had only hired zbrush for “Cars”

Having seen the film I can say that it features some of the most convincing digital makeup I have ever laid eyes on. Well done to the whole VFX team and I look forward to the next one :smiley:

Wow cool! I’d love to learn about how Zbrush was used on this movie.

Looking forward to the interview. The special effects where awe inspiring. :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I saw the movie yesterday and I must say that FX really took me apart from story. All the time that Davy Jones and his crew were on screen I didn’t even listen to the movie…just concentrating on how all the wrinkles, face animation and of course…incredible zbrushing mixed toghether to make the best character shots up to date!

The instant I saw the crew when I went to watched the film I thought “Zbrush!”

The special affects are beautiful, the rendering is soo good.

Cant wait to see the interview

All I want to know is how does it feel to be the most important advancement in 3d sense the invention of the computer…Zbrush is tha shizzznizzle

squidman looks awesome

Me too! :slight_smile:

It was so… hard to concentrate on the script of the movie. I kept watching the lips, eyelids, wiggly tenticles, barnicle placement… I made the wrong assumption that ILM was using some strange exotic proprietary software. Man, its so great that the Z was used in the film.

I can’t wait till I can use ZBrush on my new dual core, so I can access more memory. If I could achieve just a 1/10th of what ILM did on the film, I’d be a happy camper.

ILM PLEASE keep it up!

Pointless adding anything really,just am enjoying everything about zbrush except the crashing !

the work is so incredible, this team is doing. Team is the central thing in this project, i guess. Perhaps there are more coordinators and other staff, instead of artists/operators working on such a huge project.
Think of, what one man can do in a couple of days…A great team can output much more than the summe of them. Well, each shot, each frame is a CGtalk TopRow image, so my congratulations to the extraordinary team at ILM.
I will see this movie next Wednesday in a double feature night, so i am looking forward for this adventure and this eye-candy you produced…

Am really, really excited about this (well, as you now - love tenticles…and i think there a lot in this movie :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ) !!!

best regards,