
My Sketchbook

Coming along nicely, looking forward to the end result. :slight_smile:

Well done Diablo. It maybe a bit late to fix but the arms have to be a bit longer especially the upper arm.

truubluu: thanks a lot man.glad you like it.:+1::wink:

Vlad: your tips are always helpful my friend.maybe I can change them with TransposeMaster.thank you so much.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:

as I promised here’s the Game-Res version of my previous work.around 22k tris.hope you like it.C&C are much much appreciated as always.thanks for your support.;):+1:




Final Update for the Casey.and now going for the Low-Res version.hope you like it.Any C&C are welcome.thanks for your support.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:
ZBrush Document.jpgZBrush Document2.jpgZBrush Document3.jpgZBrush Document4.jpg


ZBrush Document.jpg

ZBrush Document2.jpg

Great work on your last sculpt. The mask looks really cool. I also like your high frequency details! Keep it up, man!

Yeah, Really nice work. Keep it up!

thanks alot guys.really appreciate your comments.that’s motivating.;);):wink:


ZBrush Document4.jpg

since this is my first game_res character I really needs C&C.thanks a lot for your support:D

nice sculpt diablo,What technique do you use for your hair?

thanks a lot man.I usually make hair planes in 3ds max & make UV map for them.then I make a hair alpha in zbrush using DecoBrush and then export that.after that I make a hair texture and save it with that alpha I created.I’ll make a breakdown for that after finishing this character.;);):wink:

The character is nicely done and looks harmonious with its clothes and accesorys.
Maybe finish ?
Keep it up.

thanks buddy.it’s very kind of you.;);):wink:

finally finished the game_res of this one.about 20k tris.I’ll post more snapshot soon.any suggestions are much much appreciated.hope you like it & thanks for your support.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:D


more shots.:+1::wink:


some close shots.:+1:







Here’s my new work.a fan art for the Magnificent game ShadowRun: Dragonfall.I’m making one of the main characters named Dietrich.Hope you like it.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:




just finished the blockout.C&C are much appreciated as always.:+1:


Cool man! Glad to see you are already working on a new character :slight_smile: Never heard about the game but already like the style of it. mainly the clothing. One thing that is catching my eye though is too symmetrical folds on his pants (in place where a thigh is bending and also in back view right below the coat). But I believe this is just due to the early WIP. And one more personal advise - I would soften the lower lip boundary a bit, especially closer to mouth corners. IMHO this way it feels more natural, otherwise the mouth looks encircled. Sure I mean not just stroke it a few times with Soften brush, but wisely rework this interaction of inner and outer portions of Orbicularis oris muscle. Usually there is more gradual transition hence the ridge often vanishes
So I hope it was helpful and good luck :smiley: