
My Sketchbook

thanks a lot my friend.Glad you liked him.I think you should definitely check out that game.One of the greatest stories I’ve ever heard.and thanks a lot for the tips.I’ll fix’em.;);):wink:

Here’s a color test for the Head.Any suggestions???:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:




Niiice :slight_smile: Is it polypainted with brushes or rather by using photo projections? Or maybe it is combination of both methods?

Hi Diablo,
the color looks nice ! do you use layers ?
if yes I’ d suggest to continue with other layers wich focus on specific color (ex.blue/purple colors,
with alpha 22 for example, apply it in specific zones of the skin/head (around eyes ? mouth or noze? etc))
another layer with another touch of color, maybe green/yellow
another one for red tones
you can then mix them with layer tab. You can also use morph brush with rgb on, to refine areas, etc…
One other thing I could suggest is to experiment different mode of popypainting (name exact: ‘polypaint mode’,1to5),
maybe sometimes it can help.

I am also still learning, so maybe this approach is not the best, however I hope it can help.

anyway, for me what you do is a good color skin. maybe too much yellowish, I don’ t know.

Vir Norin: thanks a lot for your comment.I usually use a photo for capturing the color details for area like nose,lips & eyes then polypaint the rest by brushes and different alphas.;);):wink:
markantonik: thank you buddy.I used multiple layers and I think you’re totally right.maybe the yellow layer is a little too much.and thanks for the tips.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:

with tattoo.C&C are much appreciated as always.thanks for your support.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:





another update.cloth sculpting.:+1:


Great stuff, man! Keep it up, I’m a big fan of high collar coats and jackets :sunglasses:
PS Interesting combination of modern clothes and almost tribal tattoos.

thanks a lot buddy.super glad you liked it.He’s a shaman living in 2054.fortunately I had a reference of his head so I could paint the original pattern for the tattoo.;);):wink:

looking good so far dude loving the concept and design so far. few things im pickng up on at the moment are that the edge of the tattoos are very sharp, most tattoos have a slightly blurred edge as the ink slightly bleeds under/through the subdermal layers. would make it feel more integrated into the skin and slightly aged

Thanks a lot buddy.yeah you’re right.fortunately I paint that on a layer so I can adjust it.;):wink:

Hey !

I think the ear need a bit of work, and to me the jacket looks way too thin.
Nice work on the fold on the pant !

Keep it up Diablo !

thanks a lot buddy.always a pleasure to have you stop by.& you’re definitely right about the ears and coat.I’ll fix them in the next update.;);):wink:

Still working on his assets.Here’s a WIP.Any suggestions are much appreciates as always.hope you enjoy.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:




Cool! Just a few questions to you. The pattern on his shirt - is it real geometry or rather made with surface noise based on UV’s? And second one - if the shoelaces would be tied in the end, why did you make them untied first? Cause obviously when tied they influence the shape of the boot a lot. So you will end up doing an extra job (making a bow, tightening this part of a boot with holes for laces, repositioning shoelaces as well)

Thanks a lot buddy for visiting.that’s really motivating.for the shirt I made a UV in 3Ds max and then used surface noise based on that UV.& the shoelaces wouldn’t be tied because of the reference that I’m using.I’m planning to make him as close as possible to the original one.;):wink:

Here’s another update.All of his assets are based on his abilities in the Game.I think I have to sculpt some wear & tear on his clothes and assets for the next update.hope you like it.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1::wink:


I made some ring for him.after all he’s a shaman.;):wink:


Looking good man, its come a long way since last time I saw it.

thanks a lot buddy.glad you like it.;):wink: