
My new speed work

I am loving this very much. Great work!

Thank you guys I really appreciated :slight_smile:

Love everything about this character :slight_smile:

This guy is really badass, I love what you did with the philtrum! Haven’t seen that before, gave him a lot of character.

Hoping you will post a part 3 of timelapse on youtube, cannot wait to see how you nailed that surface detail.

Thanks for the videos!

Thx guys ,
Lithvall - unfortunately I did not record that part…maybe on the next speed
I did polypaint it (I will post some screens later)
And I did change the weapon ball to have more aggressive silhouette

Awesome character man! :+1:small_orange_diamond:sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1: The only things that bother me a bit is the chain on the weapon seems too light. Especially for somebody that looks that strong. I think it should be bulked up a bit. Maybe something closer to the chain that’s around his neck. The other thing is the spikes on the ball seem a little too delicate. I liked the spikes on the previous one better but there should have been more of them. Maybe another row above center and another row below center.

Nice models. :+1: :+1: :+1:
In the movie pallette there is an F History button, maybe it is stored in your project file.
It’s a nice feature to show what you did without using the timeline and keyframes.

Great model! Love the anatomy.

Question… when you were dynameshing the body, and working on just the right leg, how did you mirror it over? Just a Smart ReSym?

Thanks a lot guys for your comments
zber2-thx man I get what are you saying about the chain…I will see what I can do about that…
about the spikes on the weapon I relay like it this way :slight_smile:
I saw it in this reference an I adapted it :

Doug Jones- thanks man m unfortunately after you close the scene you lose all the history so it’s not saved in the ztl tool .

mpaquin - thanks man I mirror it with SubTool master

I almost like the back more than the front, not saying the front isn’t lovely, just that powerful back is stunning really. this will be great textured :slight_smile:

Really impressive work.

Thank you very much I really appreciate the comments

And the final render :
Gerula_final render1.jpg


Love your work man! Definitely keeping an eye on this thread! :smiley:

Thank you very much guys :+1:

Love his expression and the overall look!:+1:

love how this character turned out, awesome work!


Thank you so much guys I did not expect so many positive reactions :slight_smile:

and a closeup :
and side render:
