
My first work-Crucifixion of Jesus

Dude this is an AMAZING work of art!

Come on man. you can be more constructive than that. “not so much?” That’s not helping anybody.

ok here goes :small_orange_diamond:
the skin is a crucial element in this piece, and is not working well, with little to no subsurface scattering coming through. basically almost all the surfaces look like they have the same material with different textures applied <- this here is my main concern.
also the textures especially on Jesus are pretty low res. the displacement on the cross is strangely blurry, feels now more like a clay, rather than a wood. as for the lighting, the occlusion pass is massively overused, every crevice and contact area is almost pure black. on the other hand the background and the body of Jesus is overblown to almost pure white which creates this unnatural contrast in the luminance values. on the contrary the colors feel a bit flat since everything (except the blood) has very similar hue and saturation. these are my main problems with the shaders, lighting and render. but still, as i said before… the modeling is superb, textures on the bad guys are nice too.

*calmly waiting to be crucified for this post

Such amazing artwork! Creating art like this of the Lord and Savior has always been a dream of mine.
I absolutely love these images. Thanks so much for the inspirational work you have created. God bless you brother!
God has blessed you with amazing skills!
Exodus 31:3

Jesus + Zbrush what can I Say your e the man amazing job… best for me on ZB at now

Intense work, I can feel his agony. Every aspect of the image is brilliant especially sculpting and lighting.

Great work!

You nailed him! Nicely done.

Oh my I thought that was a photo from that movie “The Passion” for real. Amazing work :+1:

Now this is great info! thank you! (no crucifixion necessary) :slight_smile:
the skin is a crucial element in this piece, and is not working well, with little to no subsurface scattering coming through. basically almost all the surfaces look like they have the same material with different textures applied <- this here is my main concern.
also the textures especially on Jesus are pretty low res. the displacement on the cross is strangely blurry, feels now more like a clay, rather than a wood. as for the lighting, the occlusion pass is massively overused, every crevice and contact area is almost pure black. on the other hand the background and the body of Jesus is overblown to almost pure white which creates this unnatural contrast in the luminance values. on the contrary the colors feel a bit flat since everything (except the blood) has very similar hue and saturation. these are my main problems with the shaders, lighting and render. but still, as i said before… the modeling is superb, textures on the bad guys are nice too.

*calmly waiting to be crucified for this post[/QUOTE]

Wow, amazing work! Is this displacement mapping? Decimated model? Full amount of polygons?

Very nice work you have done there. It’s also quite different from fantasy/action characters which is nice to see for a piece of work like this. The expressions and details are nice too.

One thing to mention, as another poster pointed out, the nails do go through the wrists and not the hands. If you look at how most cross crucifix’s are that are realistic or paintings, you will notice them done that way for historical accuracy.

you and blessed by god congratulations very real

Yet it is almost impossible not to suffer with him.
beautiful work!

Very well done ! I am Glad that people like you think of paying your tribute to God- the master creator. I am impressed . There are many artists who create hideous creatures. you have done a good job by creating something Blessed. Keep it up ! God Bless !!!

a beautiful om-age to the most pivital moment in all of His-story. The great exchange. Thanks to the perfect Savior! Great work man.

Great work dude, congratulations!

Looks very good, looks very detail.

I have seen the film about Jesus’ crucifixion,i am very touched!

Outstanding work, the lighting, the composition, everything is great. Good anatomy and detailing also. Nice one! :slight_smile:

I am in love with your hand sculpts :slight_smile: Amazing piece!