
Making Time For Art #4 - "Clay Time"

OMG! That’s crazy!!!

Started watching this and thought…“OK, ClayTubes, Move brush, some new color thingy…so what’s so great?” then BBBAAAMMM!!!

OMG…jaw dropped, tears in my eyes…Brilliant stuff guys!!! :+1: :+1: :+1:

whoops. I think i just jizzed my pants! :o :o :o

any one know that is the name of the tune playing ?

reminds a bit of 2 steps from hell,Audiomachine or Immediate music :slight_smile:

Just took a second look at the demo. Time to destroy everything I ever thought I knew about digital sculpting. The possibilities…just mind boggling. In fact forget the mind, this is existential - beyond knowing. Its like a leap in evolution. I think my head will explode shortly after sunrise on the 20th…

Sorry but OMFG…

Absolutely fantastic! This opens a world of new sculpting possibilities… can’t wait to try out the new release!

I thought it was just the music. Turned it off, but still…

I can’t stop the epic-ness. Halp!

edit: Now that I’ve calmed down, any thoughts you guys have regarding this model we’re seeing and its topology? Can we subdivide this thing down?

RNR :+1:


I don’t even know what to say, that just blew me away.

Wow ! Amazing video ! The new features seem to enhance the creativity process !
Thanks for this !

I wasn’t noticing the material or color being changed manually in the traditional places. Which makes me wonder if the material or color was being defined by some sort of strata or depth arrangement. What do you folks thing? pretty cool if the case.

mind in blur… just dont… know what i was just looking at :smiley: … wow.

the material blending… the inner glow… the on the fly extrusions and carvings…

and really… cutting off pieces on one end and having them seemlessly remesh themselves on the other??? really???

i just… i dont know what to think about all of that :smiley:

need to go lay down a bit

If we could have a way of painting the directions of the polys, like in the UV master.
Just simple strokes to suggest the flow, maybe by using the rake brush.
Then Zbrush does the rest, that would make Zbrush pretty much perfect.

They aren’t magicians. Are they? :slight_smile:
september 13… a week to find in the end the chaos of ‘clever bridge’. How could we forget. :lol:

Outstanding work – Thank you!

You are actually trying to kill us arent you? amazing
cough cough, I feel as though I may be sick on the 20th
and not be able to come into work cough cough:lol:

Everytime you do this before release a kitten dies.:smiley:

I had the same feeling… First I don´t know what´s going on and then i can´t believe what i am seeing… this will be a huge revolution in digital art. Our imagination and our talent is the only real limitation now…

F***ing awesome :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Ahem… Thats… Sick!!!:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing: