
Making Time For Art #3 - "Clay Time"

Oh man this looks good, lunch crunch’s are going to get even better!

wow, this makes such excellent use of zbrushes dynamic creative flow from zsphere sketching, but makes it so much fun~

Nice work Zbr Team!!

Great presentation as always. Just can’t wait nothing else from Pixo. I did like that “add ear -brush”… something like meshmixer or something to do with normals? … it’s hard to wait. Does anyone know how to get rid of this continuous drooling… before september 20th ?

the new zbrush is incredible! (is what i have always dreamt) , but also you are an excellent sculptor!!!

Super coool :slight_smile:

This all looks brilliant, one thing that really stands out is towards the end of the video the user draws some ears and then a mouth onto the characters head.

Are these new sub-tools or are they being merged into the existing mesh as one object ?

It does look like the meshes are being combined and drawn over which would be a great advancement :slight_smile:

On closer inspection of the vid the brush palette changes to an ear and then a mouth and is then added to the model which looks super cool.

Does that mean I can build a favorite ear, mouth whatever and add it to any model ?? That will be cool…

ZBrush, ZBrush… you are the main reason why we love to do digital art, this is truly amazing and a huge improvement, i can’t believe that now we can do this in ZB, something i really wished for long time… aksjdhklasjdhsailu but still 3 weeks left to have this beauty, damn!:+1:

Damn, impressive !

The portion of the video that had me the most interested was the part where there was an ear that was created off line and then fused with the head.

If this type of workflow is now possible this will open all types of modeling possibilities where you can build up libraries of parts and then fuse the work together to make new model combinations.

As someone that has worked with traditional sculpting I have been waiting for the day when we can make very simple shapes and then fuse them together and then start sculpting with those shapes. Looks like that might be the case very soon.

If this is the case then ZBrush has taken another true leap forward! :wink:

WoW, really awesome stuff!
I can see this literally helping me find traditional a proper word for the digital realm of 3D sculpting being now totally incorporated! :slight_smile:
[I really love how it looks like Super Sculpy!] :smiley:

Very exciting stuff, thank you so much! :slight_smile:

Cannot Wait!!!

Top Row :smiley:
Love what I see.

Would be so cool to save the complete creation process as an animated mesh.

Will there be a sculptris like navigation for zbrush? Looks like sculptris won’t be my main sculpting tool anymore next year. :wink:

Congrats to Dr Petter and the Pixologic team.

absolutely compelling and exciting…

but… … . .

I hope these can be brought back into a real world poly count so they can be fabricated. I kill my self already sculpting in the 15 -20 million range and decimating back down into the 300,000 range.

beyond that - exciting as hell, just a little little little hair of apprehension :wink:
one more step towards a true digital clay.

most wonderful.
you guys are the dream company. always trying to better your product for the products sake…

thanks again.

Originally Posted by NickZ
The portion of the video that had me the most interested was the part where there was an ear that was created off line and then fused with the head.

If this type of workflow is now possible this will open all types of modeling possibilities where you can build up libraries of parts and then fuse the work together to make new model combinations.

This functionality has been in zbrush for quite some time.


I got a feeling that if there won’t be 64bits support in R2, dynamesh might become really painful to work with :slight_smile:

Simply beautiful the way Dynamesh seems to work! Busting out concept after concept with no worrying about polyflow or distorted or pinched polys. As usual, I’ll be anxiously waiting for Z-Day to come around!

That looks handy!

Does anybody know what song is that?

Lips Brush???