
Lord of Darkness - messiah and ZBrush

Can you make a zscript not from your model but one more simple that ilustrate the procedure:workflow… poligroup…pivot…marker?
Thanks in advance

…image Froyd :wink: :+1:

:smiley: Wow that is just amazing… one of the coolest devils i have ever seen :+1:

This character is amazing, and so is your workflow. I would like to see the base mesh before the wireframes that you showed that seem to be subdivision leevel 1.

The making of post a cgtalk is fantastic. One of the best tutorials on a workflow i have ever read. Very thorough!!

Thanks for all the time you spent putting that together!!

Thanks everyone. My next project should be a little more interesting.:wink:


right. I’ll bite…give us a hint.
A nice good, hard hint.

Well, it is going to be a technical animation demo of sorts. Still relying on mutli-displacement, but also Taron’s textureDeform to do some effects that will(I hope) show off some very interesting utilization between messiah and Zbrush for displacement-texture transformation animation. I did some testing while I was working on LoD that just blew me away as how simple and effective I was able to do some pretty cool displacement effects using Zb and messiah. Right now I am doing the prep-work and planning the project. I can say that what I am working on right now is far more ambitious than what I did in LoD, almost to the point were the multi-displacement LoD was just a warm-up for what I got on my plate now.


Are you planning to do an overview like you did with LoD? I’m sure there are a lot of people who would love to see that.

Can’t wait to see what you come up with. :smiley:

I think so, but I haven’t decided on that yet. It will require some planning, since there is so much more going on than what I did in LoD. I look back at the prep-work I did for LoD, it is nothing compare to what I have for my current project.


I understand that completely. Good luck, and have some fun. We’ll patiently wait to see what you come up with. :+1:

I couldn’t belive tim Curry played darkness. I was impressed with him (about the only thing that I was) and I am so impressed that someone made him. I know you made this a while ago but is one of my faviorites I just had to say so. Thanx for sharing.

Very inspirational…nicely done!