
Lord of Darkness - messiah and ZBrush


Playing and experimenting with messiah and Zbrush Multi-UV-Multi-displacement capability. LoD comprises of 10 separate UV sets which totalled to about 20 million polygons, though I didn’t really take advantage of that many, 10 million would have been fine, but I had little control of how much was divided. I’ll be posting a short “making of” of the workflow in the messiah forum on CGTALK. The workflow between ZB and messiah for multi-displacement is almost seamless, they work very well together and messiah renders displacement even with GI very fast. Base mesh was made in Modo 1.x beta and I used Blender 2.36 for their LCSM unwrapping tool.

higher rez version - click here


I love darkness!
Would love to see some mesh shots.

I like his chasirma! very good modeling :slight_smile:

Congratulations! a superb model!!!

Wow, sheer insanity! Thanks for sharing

Thanks for the comp fellows!

I’ll have a bunch of behind the scene stuff to show soon. I am just getting all the material together and figuring out what to write up. I’ll post the link to the making of when I get it posted on CGTALK.



Holy crap, that is AWESOME! You really captured his look, and attitude. Amazing work.

…demon indeed :sunglasses:
Ps Not Silo in the pack ? :roll_eyes:

Uuuuuh! Shinny. Me liky. :smiley:

Excellent execution Tony. Absolutely marvelous results, especially considering how many times I’ve seen people try and do Darkness in 3D.

I find it interesting you went with the LCSM technique in Blender. I’ve tried using it, but my results weren’t all that great. I attributed it to my model being to dense to work with in Blender. I would definitely like to see your approach to the situation though, since you obviously got it to work.

Great stuff man! Awesome!

Using LCSM at first was a bit tricky, but what I found was the best way to get good UV layouts with it was marking up like simple shapes, flat and cylinder unfolding. Something I do normally without Blender, but the beauty of LCSM is really in how the unwrapping are almost distortion-free, distortion-less.


So, like for the head, did you do it all in one go, or did you split it up, like front, sides, back, top, etc…?

That was the problem I had. I was trying to do the head all in one piece, but it just wouldn’t work, no matter how I manipulated the LSCM tools. If I separated it like that though, I guess that would work. It would just make it a little more difficult to paint.

Have you also tried pinning with LCSM? I didn’t do much with it, but I did use it in some spots. If you do break the face up for example, ZB does a really nice job of painting across seams, so that shouldn’ be a problem. However, you can’t paint across multi-UVs in ZB though, sort of a shame, since ZB have excellent painting tools.


Can you explain in a very simple way the topic you discuss with chadtheartist?
“…If you do break the face up for example, ZB does a really nice job of painting across seams, so that shouldn’ be a problem. However, you can’t paint across multi-UVs in ZB though, sort of a shame, since ZB have excellent painting tools.”…“Multi-UV-Multi-displacement capabilities…”
Excuse me i dont understand.

Congratulation and very thanks for your great tutorial in Silo¡¡

i always like this devil nice work all over,the only thing is that his skin is too smooth other then that it is front page stuff:+1:

Thanks for the comments and crits to those who responded.

What I meant about breaking up is if Chad chooses to have separate UV layouts for the head instead one whole unwrapped UV for the head. So for example he might break the head into the front, side, top and so layouts of separate UVs. Now this can be a problem when trying to paint across these disconnected UV islands. However, in some 3D painting programs projection painting is supported so you can paint across disconnected UV surfaces. Zbrush is one of the better apps that allow painting across disconnected UV surfaces. However, if you setup your UV surfaces in different UV spaces beyond the regular UV space 0-1 then you are creating multi-UV sets. ZBrush currently doesn’t recognize painting across multi-UV surfaces, but does allow sculpting of multi-UV mapped models. It is sort of hard to explain without demoing it, which is what I plan to do with the “making of” I will post in CGTALK.


Hi tjnyc,
my english is so poor to comment in a good way your work;:+1:
I need to say thank you about your enlighting tut in Silo forum:http://www.silo3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2616


Tim Curry’s fines hour. :wink:

You really nailed it. Looks like a frame from the movie, only better.