
Leo Sakamoto - studies

Starting with this guy! WORK IN PROGRESS and my FIRST ASIAN HEAD! Hope you like it!



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Great Jackie Chan. You really captured his expression.

Great work my friend, amazing!

nice! I love Jackie Chan!

Hey Leo, very nice start man!

Can you post what reference are you using?

Haha! Very nice! Some areas still need some work, so I will keep watching this wip! It´s a good model to be finished.


Nice Jackie Chan! :+1:

Great Jackie!! his expression is fantastic and the likeness is awesome!, looking forward for more updates on this:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

lookin great!


cool Jackie :slight_smile: :+1: :+1: …it’s will be full body model?

Congrats Leo! Great work. :+1:I love Jackie! :smiley:

Nice head! he looks friendly. Good capture of the facial expression.

yeah looking good so far.

Thats an excellent likeness! I’ve seen a few of them and this one looks just like him. Well done.

:slight_smile: Jeckie is awesome. It would be great that you make expression when somebody hit him, you know, that puff funny face…something like this:o

Hey Leo, Really nice work man, congratulations.
My only critic is not about your models, but about the shy way that you show it.
Looks like you are not sure if its good or not, i was looking your web site, in your description you say " I am new to ZBrush, therefore, don’t expect much, ok? "

That is not good Leo, if you do not trust your self ho will ? imagine yourself a owner of a company ho needs to contract a freelancer to create a character, were you going to contract some buddy ho says do not expect much ?

Look all the comments, every buddy loves your job, you have to be proud!

Sorry for say that, but, i think some one had to say.
Congratulations again, you work is fantastic!

Abraco, e nao me leve a mal :smiley:

Thank you guys for the comments!

Pzak - Thanks man! I’m glad you liked it!:smiley:

Maxtx- Hey bro, thank you very much! :smiley:

Cordycep - Thanks dude!:smiley:

Nava - Thank you Diego! I used many many references!:smiley:

Bruno Melo - Hey bro! Thank you! :smiley:

Webhead - Thx man! I’m glad you liked it!:smiley:

manzarek123 - Thank you so much man!:smiley:

seriks - Thank you! :smiley:

Jaystein777 - Thank you! :smiley:

rodion vlasov - Thx! Full body model!!! :smiley:

crazysheep - Thank you dude!:smiley:

Beneto - Thank you very much! :smiley:

d_lavega - Thank you!!! :smiley:

SadamHu - Thanks Man! I’m glad you liked it! :smiley:

stankovigorro - Thank you! That´s a good idea! thx! :smiley:

celsofx - Thanks man! I understand and agree! But, the description i typed in August/2009. During this time, Zbrush was new to me. But i admit, i need to update my blog! No regrets, ok! Thank you for the comment!
Abs, e vlw por avisar sobre a descriçao do perfil! vlw mesmo! Thank you so much!!:smiley:

Brilliant likeness on Jackie.

BenSimonds - Thank you so much! Really glad you like it! :smiley: