
Grassetti's Sketchbook

incredible work as usual!! Great shapes. Nicely textured and detailed.

its a standard material with 0 difuse and 0 ambient.

Nice to see so new work of you, keep it up!!!

Awesome :+1:

Your Work is a motivation for meā€¦keep up that workā€¦So i can always take a new step for workā€¦

Hey guys, so i had the pleasure to work on the first Female Turian for the new Mass Effect - Omega dlc, released today by Bioware. We didnt had a final concept for her so i could go into zbrush and make some sketches to come up with a final design. It was a really fun process. I also worked with clay to create a final sculpture piece of her, which is now displayed at the studio. Thanks to Hebert Lowis and Rodrigue Pralier for all the help.

Unreal screnshots

zbrush sketch

Clay statue

Hope you guys like it!





Stunningly beautiful! Love the shape design, detailing/texturing and coloring. The Clay sculpt is superb too - thanks for posting :sunglasses:small_orange_diamond:+1:

I love it! Great Job!

Your work just makes me smile! So thanks for the smiles! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot guys!

I also did a variation for her presentation.

Great looking stuff!

I will definatel get this DLC

Really a great model, and a fun project as well!

The real clay sculpture is amazing and is great to see the effort put in this character.

Thanks for sharing!

This is such amazing work. I love the shapes, really nice way to capture a feminine form and the variation is awesome too, she reminds me of a sith warrior dressed like that love it! :smiley:

One of the most interesting char in this universe. :wink:

Gorgeous work Rafael! Especially love seeing the 3d output.

This is probably the most impressive work Iā€™ve seen yet, and done so quickly! Very well done!

Iā€™m about somethingā€¦

Do you paint all your texture in zbrush(like scratching edges of metal and so on)? Im curious what your general process for that is, especially how you make your specular map if you wouldnt mind sharing!

Great design and a pretty Turian :wink:

Great master . prefect

Great Work from one of my favorite games ever !!!