
Gordon-v`s sketchbook (slight nudity)

Yeah, long time no update but this totally blows me away. Um es mal auf deutsch zu sagen: krass! I don`t know where to look at first. The spine is awesome! Love the overall design.
Would you be so kind and tell me how many subtools this model has? I guess a looot. :smiley:
Would be great to see this guy in a game!

Wowie! :grimacing: Canā€™t wait to see this one doneā€¦great job so far!

wow great work:+1: :+1: :slight_smile:

Whoa!!! :+1:

I like the shoulder contraption with the wires. Everything about this kicks @$$. I would run like a _____.

good work

Thatā€™s pretty sick, man. The silhouette works really well.

Wow taht looks awesome and like it took you a ton of work, I really admire people that have a keen sense for futuristic contraptions, im not really good at it myself , and you sir are one of them best of luck on the model :slight_smile:

awesome work! :smiley:

insanity lol.hes lookin wikked.Bio mech looks greatā€¦ love his arms and spinal mech section

Holy Sh@#!!!

insane details, this thread really show you getting better and better, gj:+1:

Woooooh!!! thatā€™s looking RAD! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

ditto. maddness! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Dude, looking kick ass. Keep it up. Wanna see more :stuck_out_tongue:

What the??? :grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:small_orange_diamond:grimacing:
Very cool manā€¦ Jaw-dropping detailsā€¦ :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Damn this is ausumn man,heavy design and armours r looking rad.:+1: may be a little work could be done on tha biceps.bt thatā€™s just me.vohaaa cooooool

Wowā€¦digging the designā€¦super awesome!

Nice work on the hardsurface stuff G :+1:

yeahā€¦ this is just awesome!!! love it.

you are really talented!

hi :slight_smile:

very cool! i like the gun on his shoulder alot!
aswell as the cables coming out of his lower left armā€¦
how did you model the spine?


Dear Max,
I hate youā€¦, I dont think there are not enough details dude, you should add more!.. Theyā€™re some empty spacesā€¦ You knowā€¦Iā€™m jealous! But lots of Love From me dude! But to be seriousā€¦ Your Slacking off,Wheres The Textures??? And The Environmentā€¦ Like what the ****! hahah District 79 MOFO!!! :rage: