
Draw Size/Focal Shift hotkey plugin for ZB3 - Updated 5/9/07

Waiting for the hotkey editor then.
Thanks for the script by the way :slight_smile:

Excellent , thank you for that :slight_smile:


marcus if you keep releasing plugins like this I may develop a mancrush for you. :lol:

Yeah, you’ll have to wait on the hotkey editor because without it, you don’t know if you’re breaking default hotkeys. Like for example, several of you want to bind it to the “A” key. How are you planning on enabling HD-Geometry without the default “A” binding (that you can’t change anywhere else) :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Marcus,

Many thanks for that first ZBrush 3 pugin, great:+1:

Cheers Roland

Wait… but, isn’t that rather, the same as how zb works? I mean, you press S and click drag left and right, only by default you drag on the popup slider, instead of anyhere. (same as in O and U)

I mean, the first version merges the O and S hotkey function but…

Brilliant! Thanks Marcus. The S function goes right on my wacom pen clicker, so keyboard location is not important (to me ).

[Edit] Out of curiosity, is there a key value for z intesnity up/down that could be mapped to intuous 3 touch strips?

[Edit] I see the key values for brush size up/down…are there ones for Z intensity?

Wait… but, isn’t that rather, the same as how zb works? I mean, you press S and click drag left and right, only by default you drag on the popup slider, instead of anyhere. (same as in O and U)

I mean, the first version merges the O and S hotkey function but…
I agree with feureau…

The way this was implemented for zb2 was much more fluid. But the way it is now really is no different than how zb3 does it by default.

Being able to just hold down a key and then move your mouse back and forth like the way this was in zb2 is really the ideal way to go. (If it is even possible in z3)

I too would prefer the “hold the key down” method, for whatever thats worth. I still appreciate the plug in…its still better than default Z3 in that you can drag anywhere and not on the slider.

Actually, you know what? It doesnt matter…after working with the plugin, I see theres nothing really to be gained by holding down a key other than finger strain. Its just something youre “used to” from other apps, and as a Zbrush user I should know that I shouldnt frame my expectations of a function a specific way simply because I’m “used to” it.

Ive got S on my pen clicker, and I put U and O on the top and bottom of one of my touchstrips respectively. The strip isnt being used for anything else in Z, and now all I have to do is tap either end for drag adjustment. Nothing would be served by holding it down. Simply lifting your pen for a second is no different, and probably better than, holding down a key.

The real payoff here is the drag anywhere aspect. Real time visual feedback on the falloff adj would be nice.

Thanks for the comments. :slight_smile:

I can see that some would think this essentially the same as the default ZBrush way, though personally I find the slider fiddly and destracting. This script wasn’t mean’t to be an improvement on the ZB2 one - I agree that that is more fluid - but this is currently the best way to implement similar functionality. I’m testing a version where you simply move the cursor (rather than clicking and dragging) and it’s working ok. Also, if I can find a way for better visual feedback I will implement it.

wow thanks so much for this.

any chance we could have the ‘hold button’ option again?

i would like to be able to hold ‘s’ change value just by sliding the mouse (without even clicking) and then let go of ‘s’ when i’ve made adjustments. other programs call this ‘stickey keys’

My red circular brush icon disappears when I drag my mouse, then reappears at the new size when I click… Is that how it should work? I was expecting a real-time visual representation of my brush size - before I commit… Or am I expecting too much?!

Thanks anyway.

yeah i would lke realtime brush update too.pretty please.

I love U 4 this one:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

-cheerZZZ- :smiley:

excellent work, Marcus!!!

I’ve now got my pen button mapped to ‘s’. It would be great if you could
find a way to emulate Silo’s ability to scroll left-to-right for size and
up-and-down for strength…but what you’ve got here is quite handy all
the same. :slight_smile:


Wonderful! Now if you could get the “Alt”, “RMB” and “MMB” to navigate in zbrush I would be in willing to donate you some cash! :smiley:

Would it be possible to have the length of the “Draw Size” line that appears when I hit “S” be the exact size of the diameter of the red outer circle? That is of course if you cant just show the red circle growing and shrinking.

many thanks for all your efforts marcus!!
it’s really great what you do for the community. :slight_smile:

cool idea :+1: