
displacement tests for my work

heey,its really nice to meet u here! great model,man…

hi.thanks for the nice words…

Mr micro26 : first of all, zbrush is my modelling tool.I’m importing the obj. files, and then exporting them to xsi, because the displacements are not exactly the same as the mesh in ZB.most of the textures are procedural textures, except some of the bump and specular layers.

vivien : “drummer (fellow zbrusher and my boy!) and i also read your curriculum”

you are probably talking about my friend ( ward ), who has the same name ( balazs kiss ), and he is also hungarian, but he is working in england with the framestore team, and i’m living in denmark…you are not the first :slight_smile:

drummer : i’m not an old cg dude or something…i’ve started 4 years ago with lightwave, but i was a painter before, probably thats the reason why i’m making these expressions…

marcopolio : yes, there is sss, but not too much painted textures…i will fire up my homepage again soon, and you will find something about the texturing there

HI Balazs,Nice information…but whats the addres of ur website? icant find it here!:roll_eyes: :sunglasses:

I really like it, especially the expression of his face! Looking fordward to see more!

I also would like to see your web page soon!


anyway you are great !!
for me it is the second year I play with 3D!! very exciting!!!
I drew comics before :smiley:

btw I’d really like to show you my works and know what you think about!
some advices!!

keep up the great work and stay cool, man :sunglasses: :+1:

the life is important for me!! giving the life !!

Awesome modelling skills Kissb, I really like your model, very realistic anatomy.
At first I thought you were the other balazs (ward) who works at MPC, I think… and I must say that you are really talented too.

I hope to see the finished model soon. Congratulations an my admiration.

can we have a wire frame? kosz elore…

What can I say that hasn’t been said already? Outstanding work! :+1:

just amasing…couldn’t pass without a comment!brilliant…

Very very inspiring. Hope you´ll fix your site soon so I can get my hands on some info about those textures! :slight_smile:

Have you only used ZB for the face, and then texturing bump for the rest?

Hälsningar från Sverige.

I have already seen your work on Bay Raitt’s page

looks really great

can you post a wire ?
or another view of the first render ?


Wow this is really an explosive scene, love the image of the 3 goblins and hope to see the final version soon, bravo!!! :+1:



here is the wire of the scene…not the full, but you can see the important things…

and here is the diffuse pass(the color info, i don’t know what is the name of it in other programs :))

and the other angle, without bump…


Great job!!!
Wish to see the whole scene now. Now

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: Nothing to say.

:grimacing: En is aszt mondom hogy, gratulalok! Nagyon szepen osze raktad!


I love the look of the second render. Great details overall. Goblins & orcs may be a cliche but I do not care when it looks this good.

Looking forward to the finished picture. Looking very good so far.

Once more…this is tottaly freaking good. Love this scene… :wink:

Awesome work, great expression on the face. Keep it up!