

Very interesting, as usual.

I’m wondering if there’s any way to export the zsphere rigs from one character to another, or if you have to create a new one every time you use transpose master.

Hey Woodys3d

If you are going to use Transpose Master to build the rig there is no way at this time to import the all ready built rig. However, if you are not going to use Transpose Master then you can save out one rig and use it on any character.

Just do the following:

Create a rig
Save that rig as a Tool
Next session just load that Tool
Go To the Rigging Sub-Palette
Click on select mesh and load what ever mesh you want

That will help a little.

Thank you for visiting DID YOU KNOW THAT


Thanks Paul,

The problem is that most times I will need to use Transpose Master, because even if the character is nude, I will need to move the body and the eyes, so that’s more than one subtool.
Anyway, it looks like it’s very fast to create those rigs, so it’s not a big problem.

Hey Woodys3d

Thank you so much. Quick question for you: Why do you use Transpose Master for a nude person?

Just wondering.


Hi Paul,

Most times I use it on characters with clothes, but even on a nude character, I always have the eyes on a separate subtool, so if I want them to move with the head I need to use Transpose Master. Or am I missing something?

Hey Woodys3d

No for that Transpose Master is the best unless you use Contacts after you have already moved the body or could merge everything and then use Split Polygroup when done with the pose.


Very nice idea for a thread. I am a new Zbrush user, so I’ll be using this very often. Thanks. :smiley:

Bloody Brilliant Thread Paul!
Nothing helps one learn any software, especially graphical stuff, like videos. And the best videos are the narrated kind made by an expert - as opposed to 200mph time lapses with a def metal soundtracks too quick to have any idea HOW the tutor is doing his job. There’s nothing more frustrating than spending half an hour rewinding, playing, pausing, and playing again trying to figure out which button he hit to make the thing do that!
Your videos are just the ticket Paul, one can follow what you’re doing without feeling like a knucklehead!

I’ll be back for mo’!

Hi Paul and many thanks for these great tutorials! I have a question about Transpose Master rigging (using ZB4 on mac). In your video you just click on different parts of the canvas to add Zspheres when building the rig - i can’t do that?! When I click on the canvas I just rotate my model, so I need to click and drag on a Zsphere to create a new one, move it and so on… Can’t make it work as easy as it lookes in your video. Am I doing something wrong?


// tennet

Hi tennet, I think I saw an answer to this in this thread but cant find it. But if I remember correctly you have to select the ZSphere that you want to be the first in the new chain and in draw/edit mode click on the screen.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Point! Found the answer in post#45. I had the Ghost transparency ON - it should be off… :slight_smile:

I followed the first tutorial on posing a mesh using a zsphere rig. I’ve tried this a couple times and keep getting similar results where it seems like part of the mesh doesn’t bind perhaps? I move the armature and some polys don’t move with the rest. It seems to be asymmetrical as well, affecting only one side but not consistently the same side. So this image shows the left foot deforming and on the same mesh the right hand goes wonky.

I’m just using the super average man tool as the mesh so that I could practice.

Best regards,

![Mesh Stretch.jpg|831x645](upload://gUvwkihnpqXIuTVPj5Oh9M8QPhc.jpeg)

Hello Rob

This is difficult to narrow down. Can you do a recording of yourself putting together your rig and moving it in ZBrush? You can do this by going to the Movie Palette in ZBrush and clicking on Record.

Once you are done with your rigging and moving go back to the Movie Palette and click on Export. Can you please make a .MOV file and zip that up and send it to me.

In the meantime, make sure to have x-symmetry on when building your rig.

Are you using Rotate or Move when adjusting the rig once it has been binded?


Hello Community

I had a good friend and an amazing artist Joseph Drust put together a video on how to GoZ your displacement, normal, and texture maps out of ZBrush into 3DSMAX for rendering. I am not a 3DSMAX user but if there are any questions about the video please continue to post them in this thread.

This post is only hosting Part 2 of ZBrush 4 GoZ to 3DSMAX for Rendering

Part 1 can be found in ZClassroom on Pixologic's site. In Part 1 Joseph will walk you through setting up your model in ZBrush for GoZ into 3DSMAX. [LINK TO PART ONE](http://www.pixologic.com/zclassroom/homeroom/tutorial.php?lesson=GoZ) <!--[attach=241126]Joseph.jpg[/attach]--> Part 2 ZBrush Maps Render in Mental Ray/3DSMAX In Part 2 Joesph discusses rendering with Mental Ray in 3DSMAX using the ZBrush model and maps. This is a basic overview of rendering in 3DSMAX. I encourage you to continue to discover what other settings that may be in Mental Ray for rendering. Part 2 ZBrush Model & Map Render in Mental Ray/3DSMAX Youtube to Part 2


Veoh to Part 2 <center>[veoh]v20800783xAQt3y3k[/veoh] Thank you for the continued support through out this thread and a HUGE THANK YOU to Joseph Drust for making this video. Paul [DidYouKnowThat.jpg[/attach]-->%3C/font%3E"]<!--[attach=241110]DidYouKnowThat.jpg[/attach]-->](http://%3Cfont%20color=%22#9A9A9A%22%3E<!--[attach=241110) [http://www.pixologic.com/zclassroom/homeroom/tutorial.php?lesson=GoZ](http://www.pixologic.com/zclassroom/homeroom/tutorial.php?lesson=GoZ)![DidYouKnowThat.jpg|100x76](upload://pjyX5AFq20uidejN5bZrDX7sWJK.jpeg)![Joseph.jpg|927x536](upload://bas2jXv4ps0FWEdYP1Xwu5i2wsS.jpeg)

Great video thankyou very much.

just finished the part 2 tutorial. it’s simple, to the point and effective. Definitely useful for all mental ray 3ds max users. thank.

I hate to say this but the download for the Veoh player contains malware or spyware of some sort…
I have tried to get it a couple of times and had the same result each time.
Its a thing called “opencandy” in case you are curious.

Sorry about that but I suggest sticking to the YouTube videos.


Amazing work you’re doing here gabo1991, thanks for sharing these videos. It really helps the community and therefore also pixologic…

I do have a question, and though you’re not a 3dsmax user, you sure know somebody who has already dealt with this problem: rendering a mesh with Vraydisplacementmod.

After reading tons of posts about settings (amount = x and shift = -x /2 doesn’t always work), 2D displacements, 3D displacements, etc…

32bit maps are supposed to have the displacement amount embedded, right? I got my displacements to work perfectly with mental ray, but not with Vray, as they always show seams or not a pixel perfect displacement.

And as me, many other 3dsmax users would also be thankful with this help…

once again thanks for the effort!

Hello Manusito

Yes 32BIT map has the scale baked into the map. I do know someone to ask. Let me send him an email and see what he says for us. :slight_smile:

Hello MealeaYing

Thank you for the heads up. I will have to look into this and get it fixed right away. Is there a certain video you are referring too or is it with all the of them veoh players for you?


Hya Paul

It was in the attempt to download the Veoh player that I was informed of this, and with a few different things, Windows defender and then SpybotS&D…
The player allows you (I think) to download and watch these videos offline, something that would be nice however it set off my detection programs so I dident end up getting it.
No specific video, just the player from the Veoh website.
If you like I can look it up again and supply you with a direct link.

Cheers, and thanks