
darxx's sketchbook

hey guys. sorry for the long inactivity.

been really busy with an internship at a studio here. :slight_smile:

here are a few things I’ve been doing in the little time I get to do my own stuff. :smiley:ZBrush Document.jpg4.jpg5.jpgZBrush Document.jpgvray.jpg

2h sketch. would love to know what the community of zbc thinks I could improve on :slight_smile:

alien lady_01_watermark.jpg


alien_bust_speedy__02_25 Jun_2 copy.jpg

been working on this char and thought I was getting closer to being done, when Ryan pointed out to me that I’ve been leaving out a step in my sculptures. :open_mouth: so dynameshed and continuing with it until it’s right

comments and critiques always welcome
lizzard lady wip 1.jpg

New creature I’m working on :slight_smile:


figured out most of what I want out of this guy now. Just working on making it a bit clearer and easier to read. This is where I am at the moment. Still feeling like the attachment of the blade legs aren’t screaming ‘obvious!’ yet. Gonna keep going at that. hands still need love too. The blade wings also need some mechanical parts to make them seem somewhat functional. dyna_07_w.jpg

new features in Zbrush 4r4 are quite awesome :slight_smile:


Just a quick doodle from last night

Comments and critiques are always welcome and appreciated :slight_smile:ZBrush Documents.jpg



Love the spaceship in post #47.

Thanks Doug!


2 hours on this onedragon_creature_raptor_monster_design_zbrush_eric_solomon.jpg


Hey guys,

This is a creature/character I’ve been working on for a little bit as a personal project.
Would love some crit/opinions if anyone’s keen to share?


Looks nice) Kind of resembles clanfear from Elder Scrolls games.

The strap on his chest looks a bit artificial, though, as it’s a simple loop, thrown over his head. Nothing is holding it in place. I’d throw in some additional support straps.