


Yet another wip!


fooling around with BPR & PS not in sculpting mood today :)=

Great job on one of my favorite ch:+1:aracters from the SF universe’

Good Works man!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Muchas gracias Ivan! :slight_smile:

fakeclay test.jpg

Keyshot render test (fake clay) still a wip!

Good job and render!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


mean while … I found this gator while cleaning the hard drive. Decided to take him a FakeClay picture (mikenash vray setup) before send him to trashcan

pollito_claytest.jpg a chicken little!

pollito_difuse.jpg difuse+displace test ( yet no sss no Fur )


Geting back to old bussines…

Interesting look, suit looks very organic!

3d concept I made this past weekend… planed to become a platformer main character. So far concept was accepted, now Im working in clena up and details .

Last work for the Andrew Baker´s workshop at Phoenix Atelier, hope you like it!

Personal concept art work based on Dominic Qwek`s creatureworkshops
Sculpted in ZB, rendered in KS and post in PS.

nothing special to say about it… just a small last night practice guided by Anthony Jones gumroad tutorial!

is the helmet 3d or the whole piece, because you made it seem like you did this last night

@Thebest12 Actualy this was made last night :slight_smile: just the helmet is 3D the rest y a simple phot from internet. If you like it I sugest you to search for Anthony Jones gumroad site. He has a lot of usefull tutorials, one of those is the one I used to make this piece. cheers mate!

awesome work Guenrij! solidly moving forward as always! keep it up! :slight_smile:


personal project, just for fun… stil a wip (BPR+ps)