
Claudio's Sketchbook

Hi - Thank you :slight_smile:

She will be 12" scale (1/6th Scale)


Jill Valentine Maquette colour test shot…

Hey man.long time didn’t check your thread. Jill looks really nice. You did a great job. Keep it up.;):wink:

I love that game.

Sixth scale is serious:sunglasses:! It should look much more realistic in comparison with dressed dolls in this scale. It will be interesting to see the 3D printed sculpture. Cool work:)!


This is a piece I created for the Brainstorm Facebook Group. The theme challenge was to re-design Superman which I feel is very challenging being he’s so iconic. I also felt the suit design in the latest film was phenomenal so definitely a hard act to follow.




Rail Gun Concept created using ZModeler brush and Keyshot.

Tweaked this gun concept a bit (Click for link to hi-Rez):


I also created a couple of beginner/ Intermediate tutorials on my youtube channel that deal with sculpting the male figure in ZBrush all done in real time.

The first series deals with just the head:

The second series (In-progress still) deals with the whole body starting from the head made in the previous video:

Hope you find them useful!



This is a current work in-progress of a “Private Military Contractor” I’m working on for my own project. Still an early WIP mostly at the block-in stages. Been working out the color scheme up until this point and so far I’m liking the jeans lol. Right now I’m taking all the elements and building them one at a time to proper form…

Anyhoo… :smiley:

Some progress with my AR-15 “HYENA” for my game.

Finished my SBR: all created in Zbrush using Zmodeler brush and Dynamesh. Rendered in Keyshot.

Looks great – you even got the seams from the injection molded plastic in there!

Thank you

Here is an SMG I’ve been working on. This is just a Keyshot screenshot not a full on render… Still tweaking things here and there especially the render/ materials. This piece was created entirely with Zbrush using Zmodeller and Dynamesh inspired by the workflow used by Redstorm Entertainment on The Division / Ghost Recon etc from the zbrush Summit last year.


Final Pass of my LWRC SMG without optics. Hope you like!

Hi-res version here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OP52w

Thanks for looking!


Beautiful hard surface models there, Claudio!

And thank you so much for the tutorials!

Thanks so much for the kind words!

I hope you found the tutorials useful :slight_smile:
