
Cezar Brandao - Sketchbook2

Great works! Top row well deserved imo :+1:

Just was wondering what’s this new standard for getting up there? Anyone? Aurick?

Beautiful! Congratz on top row! :slight_smile:

Nice work on the girl, and congrats on Toprow!!! But don’t get me wrong you deliver good work but the other works in this thread are good but not yet exellent so Toprow gives me a dual feeling, keep it up and make them count. ****1/2

Great work!
Best regards, Selwy

nice, very cute!

Congratulations my friend!
Studies are working out pretty well!

Best regards,

That female sculpt is awesome! Simple but very well done!


Love teh girl bust, but for real wtf is this doing in top row ?
Its just a simple fast wip, its great but has nothing on any of the models posted in comicon thread, or many of full blow models and scenes posted every day, just bizarre.

:small_blue_diamond:I loved
your works are very beautiful


nice work! :sunglasses:

like the face and expression of your model ,great work:+1:

well, maybe top row isn’t only about the amount of ‘full blown’ detail. maybe in this case it’s simply for the top artistic quality of a “sketch”.
sometimes you see pieces wich represent a huge labour of detail work,technically flawless and yet they don’t convey much more than a tech exercise.
this girl and the one on the first page might be just a wip/sketch, but there is indeed something special about them. there not just very pretty, they’ve also got a certain elegance and charm which show great artistic feeling.

there have been quite a few complaints on the oards recently, that top row seems to often be dominated by certain types of models, which are usually somewhere along the line of mega detailed monsters, superheros and sci-fi blokes in heavy armor. so maybe Pixologic simply reacts on that and intend to give those who aren’t mainly into the gamy heavy detail stuff a bit more room in top row.
whatever the reasoning is, of course it’s ok to not agree on this being top row, but if one feels the urge to complain about it, it would be nice to write a pm directly to Pixologic,Aurick etc
 instead of posting it here. posting it here is a little offensive in my opinion. after all Branduarte didn’t make that decision himself but has all rights to just be happy about it and we don’t need to spoil that for him.

I personally find most of whats in the top row to not suit my taste. I am not a big fan of bulky space marines, hyper realism, monsters and things of that ilk. This on the other hand is much more to my taste, even if it is just a quick sketch. I believe they are doing the right thing by adding more variety to the top row.

Well said Julian! Couldn’t agree more. The work in this thread is absolutely gorgeous, simple or not. I think all the gushing commentary from so many speaks to that. Very glad to see this work. Glad to see it make top row. Hope to see more.

BTW Cezar - Congrats. Would you mind talking about your process? I like the Jamiraqui headress on the first girl. I’m guessing (wondering) if the paint strip is a nod to Adam Ant?

Julian_K nailed it. Cezar’s piece has great energy in the pose, good design and care to the form. There are some top row artist from the past that could learn from him. If you don’t agree, just contact pixologic directly about it.
Also, I feel that any criticism on this forum should be purely constructive. If you can’t critique someone’s work in a way that’s going to make them a better artist, then please keep it to yourself.

This is Awesomeeee!ohh
i already say that.Anyway
This is Awesomeeee!:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Great sketches! I always loved the first one.

Brando I think it very well deserved the top row, but in the end i think it shouldn’t be something to complain about, being or not who cares, i 've seen very inspiring sculptures beeing top row and some other werent at all!! . Keep working the way you’re doing if you are studing can’t imagine when you finish!!!

Brother it’s all about Art

Top row doesn’t mean it must have a fully completed character or properly composted and well rendered artwork.
Most of artists (2d) didn’t furnished there art. They looks always incomplete but the feeling and sense of art always there

 don’t think that and Enjoy Art

You know Art is really a Painkiller

This guy definitely deserve top row. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

beautiful sculpt