
Cacharreando con Zbrush...Nacho Riesco Zworks

El rostro esta impresionante excelente trabajo amigo…

Muchas gracias a ti colega!

Cool composting! like the combination fractal and zbrush I’am playing with http://syntopia.github.com/Fragmentarium/
hope also to integrate it into zbrush:-) keep posting!

This is a photomanipulation…Robot is sculpted and rendered in ZB4r2, I used the lightcap new feature for match lighting… and then composed onto a photograph,hope you like it…thanks!

MiniRobtoAraña pequeB2.jpg

Lovely, this one really works for me! :lol:

Thanks Chalkman!..comments always are appreciate! :wink:

Incredible!!! … I love the design and your comp!!

Thanks a lot leto!!

top row!

Wow!! Thanks pappete!!!

Fantastic! Love this.


Thanks a lot Eric!

Nicely done. I like it. Care to show a bit of workflow? Would love to see how you went about achieving the final result.

Thanks Yvan!, I’m preparing a tutorial for PSDtuts ( http://psd.tutsplus.com/), I guess it will be published next month…

Zbrush 4R2 and Photoshop

A small tribute to Brian Froud, one of my favourites illustrators.tribute to Brian Froud, one of my favourites illustrators


Buen trabajo amigo. Muy buenos renders

Muchas gracias Javier por el comentario!, me gusta mucho tu trabajo, un gran nivel…andas por DeviantArt?, me interesaria poder estar en contacto contigo, saludos!

Hi all

Model and illustration for create a tutorial, about Zbrush and Photoshop

Here you can see it

Zbrush process:

Photoshop process:

Hope will be useful


Hola Nacho,

These tutorials are fantastic! Estupendissimo!Muchisimas gracias! :D:D:D

Your work and designs also great!

Hola Jake!, muchas gracias, glad you like it!