
Blend Shapes Export - Information, Installation and FAQ

*Edit: Problem solved. I just downloaded ZBrush yesterday and needed to connect the GoZ to Maya (Under Preferences)


I’m trying to use the Blend Shapes program (Windows) and am getting this error message.

“Sorry, cannot launch Maya. Cannot find path to Maya application”

I also get this error message when I click the “GetMaya” application in the BlendShapes folder.

I have the BlendShape files in the correct locations so anyone know what’s happening here?


and in an instant the troubleshooting thread is no longer relevant or emailing support for that reason.

thanks sooo much. this is awesome. I have a 3ds max class and the final obviously needs to be in max not maya…you just made my life a little easier. now i can create all of my morph layers in zbrush…much faster…thanks again

[quote="Jerick"] Unreal Engine 3 packs blendshape support last I checked. It packs with your skeletal model export under languages like "morph meshes" or something like that. [/quote]

Also if you follow the way Jeremy Ernst is handling facial on GOW3, blendshapes are not a problem because it gets baked back to joints in the end and the other shapes never make it into the engine. Check out the GDC lecture. It’s very easy to reproduce if you have some sort of insight into rigging. My only problem is the Blendshape aspect crashes Maya 2011 on OSX but not on Win7.

Anyway, this is a great feature.

It was crashing because of some history BS! Rock on Zbrush Blendshape plug in

thanks zbrush

That’s cool!:D:D:D
