
Batman, (personal concept).

You may only add “loops” to those corners, I recommend seeing the option “crease” found in the “Geometry” and also “EdgeLoops” will be of great help.

Thanks buddy, I hope this ready soon.

Gracias tideger:
me has sacado de una gran duda, es mucho trabajo hacer las piezas una por una,pero veo que en el resultado final vale la pena,de todas maneras vuelvo a felicitarte por este gran trabajo, un abrazo:+1:, ahh!!! y gracias por la leccion

No hay problema, gracias a ti de nuevo por tu comentario.

Ahh that makes sense. Thank you! Again, awesome work man

Looking real good. Love where this is going.

Thanks my friend.

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

Gloves in process…

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.


(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

texturing in process.



Very cool. I really like this concept.

Thanks my friend! :slight_smile:

Very nice! I really like the concept as well! Could you explain your texture process a bit. Are you using noise maker to achieve the mesh pattern. How are you applying it to the texture?

Thanks for your comment, what I do is:

  • I export a texture map with a certain color
  • I subdivided the mesh to the point of getting a resolution capable of supporting all the details that gives me the “noise maker”
  • I exported the displacement map which comes with all the details that gave me the “noise maker” :wink:
  • I’m going to photoshop and then start doing magic with the help of other independent textures.
  • then you may return to a low resolution mesh and use the finished texture.

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

texturing in process.

Love your work man. :smiley:

Thanks Bro! :slight_smile:

I like it. Can’t wait to see it finished. Very good work.

Cheers from Barcelona

Thanks for your comment, Cheers from Colombia! :wink: