
Batman, (personal concept).

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.

Looking good man. Love your hard surface techniques.

Thanks dude!

super clean keep goin !! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Thanks, I Will!

Has Batman taken to crime-fighting in space?

In these times we must be prepared for anything! anything can happen! XD

Real lean clean and strong sculpt… good


(WIP) Batman, personal concept.
Leg protectors.

This model is going to be really awesome !! good work.

holy polygroups batman.

haha but seriously awesome idea you have here. maybe the latest Dark Knight sequel will have your futuristic bats in it.

Thanks guys, I’m glad you like it! :slight_smile:

(WIP) Batman, personal concept.



buen trabajo , pero me gustaria saber si las piezas de las botas, las has hecho, una por una, o has cojido una figura estandar y la has deformado?,…ocomo lo has hecho porque queda muy bien,…un abrazo

Wow dude this is one of the best alternate Batman concepts I’ve seen in a while !!! Congratulations !!!

Great work but I have a question. I see this a lot, you have very low poly models. I can plainly see all of the flat faces when you’re in polyframe mode. At an angle, where the model would have a smooth, rounded surface there are flat polygonal surfaces. But when you render it, those flat polygons are smoothed out. Is this the use of a map like normal/displacement maps? I keep trying to bring my low poly models into Autodesk Maya and render them but they’re still very blocky. I know there is a “smooth surfaces” option in Maya but I do not know if that’s how everyone smooths their low poly models. And if it is, how do you keep surfaces you want to stay sharp from smoothing?

You’ve got some great form there, sharp and high tech, just as one might expect from a batman concept. It looks like it’s coming together nicely.

Gracias por tu comentario. Te cuento que las piezas de las botas las hice una por una por medio de la herramienta de retopologia usando como base para poder hacerlas la pierna del modelo y de esta forma poder lograr una forma en ellas que valla acorde con la figura.

Thanks man, I’m glad you like it! :slight_smile: