
***Announcing ZBrush 3.5 and GoZ for Windows and MacOSX

is what I think is coming

^^ lol i hope not, i just bought cinema4d for rendering… :smiley:

Your C4D and Zbrush connection is going to be awesome with GoZ. I’m envious. Just get that hair module.

Hmmm, ZBrush Hair new feature?

Wow, this is just what we’re all looking for …
Zbrush is no doubt the best tool in digital sculpting field … congrats <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>

by the way!

  • Does Zbrush 3.5 do Backup files?
  • Do we have to install a fresh copy of Zbrush or is it an upgrade to what’s existing?
  • What about the plugins posted in pixologic.com, are they included in this version or do we have to install them again?

Regards <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/upload/atn.gif”>

Would like to see more sculpting improvements/additions for a program like Zbrush instead of other stuff but oh well. :+1:.

you realize that 90% of the features listed are already in the mac version, right?

so it’s actually the other way around… the pc version was ‘predictably late’.

unless the still unannounced feature is better that everything else.

Any word on expanded compatibility with XSI perhaps?

Wow cool upgrade!!! Thanks Pixo.

I hope there is an upgrade lightning, material and rendering on zbrush 3.5 or 4.

I know zbrush is most used for sculpting but don’t forget zbrush is also used for illustration.

Upgrade in lightning, material and rendering will be so awesome:D

out of curiosity, wtf is “right click navigation”?

does that just mean we have the same navigation option, but we can switch the left and right mouse buttons? I hope not, because I can do that with my mouse driver just fine…

Nice to know that this is coming out for the Windows side.

Looking forward to seeing the newer version.

I hope there is an upgrade lightning, material and rendering on zbrush 3.5 or 4.

I know zbrush is most used for sculpting but don’t forget zbrush is also used for illustration.

Upgrade in lightning, material and rendering will be so awesome

I could not agree more.

On another note; I can’t wait to see what the yet unannounced feature is from zb4 that they will include in the 3.5 update. I just hope it is something that I can use without having to own another software package. :wink:

i dont thinkl zb will get a better render engine coz there is GOZ now. it gives u shader, texture in the right spot for rendering, just one click and the setup in the big app is done. so why should zb get a better renderer? GOZ wouldnt make sense…

Its going to be proper photoshop style layers,Its way overdue,i can feel it in my bones : )

I so glad an upgrade is coming soon and Zbrush is becoming a more mature tool.

Thank you Pixologic and community for being committed to make zbrush an excellent piece of software. :smiley:

ZBrush 3.5 and ZBrush 4 will be released as free upgrades to all registered users. Thank you for being so generous!!!:+1:

good news:+1:
thank you very much :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:D
now i’m look to the future with amazing program

I think it’s Maya style navi. Alt +

Because theres ppl that only use zb and nothing else. illustration the way zb started. plus leave all the weight to external apps would be a step backwards. why to poly paint in zb if with goz you can use 3d coat, photoshop, etc…
i dream the day zb is the only thing ill ever need

if that is true, i will be one happy camper.

though history has proven that I shouldn’t get my hopes up :stuck_out_tongue:

If maya, max, xsi or any other programs “navigation” get’s somehow implemented. I will not use the newer ZBrush.

I as a wacom user enjoy the idea that i don’t need to keep two hands simulaniously working at once for navigation. Mudbox may be useful for that purpose of a alt+mouse navigation. But Zbrush isn’t and never will be (for me at least).

As far as I can tell, I don’t think the navigation will change in Zbrush.