
Andrey Bogomolov

Masterful Work!

Amazing Sculpts :+1:

dude, awesome!!!


Thank all of you my friends for your attention to my art.

love all of them, the skin details on the sea creature and Perseus are amazing. How do you have done the skin of the reptile body of Medusa?
Amazing work again!

Thank you LVXIFER for your comment. The Medusa skin is mix between the handsculpting and pattering by UVs. The skin for the human part of Medusa I’ve done by hand, spending some time by pattering pores and wrinkles. The snake scales I’ve done by UVs. Just make straight rectangle uvs, put scales pattern you like on it, apply masking by intensity in zb and inflate unmasking area.

Very cool image! Love the flow to the composition the school of fish creates. My only slight criticism in terms of composition is I feel the main focal point of the head is a little too close to the top of the image for my taste. But still, fantastic work!

Thank you teeg000 for your critics. Character, image aspect, composition and everything associated with it is subjective view of mine as an artist. But I appreciate your artistic opinion.

> marianosteiner > woww some really sick models here! > love it!

The Wirlp creature looks jawdropping good man.
One “tip” if i may, i think you should do some darker render… something in this mood :http://features.cgsociety.org/newgal…8790_large.jpg
It would add a lot more depth to the character and scene.
I know it would hide some details of the character, but we can see all of it on the clay renders :stuck_out_tongue:

But outstanding work mate

Thank you marianosteiner for your comment. I think that kind of underwater enviroment sells better the main character. But it still my artistic point of view and I appreciate you for yours! :)))

At this time I want to share with you a small part of my professional work. Few years ago I did a rhino for suzuki commercial as senior character modeler at UlitkaPost. Client wanted the baby rhino with dog style behavior. Everything done with ZB only. Lighting and Shading with Renderman.

And some shots from commercials itself.

I love the pose of the Perseus and Medusa sculpt!
How did you make the snake skales? it’s a brush or noise?

this little rhino is adorable! so cute! <3

awesome man! just awesome!

Very nice! Now I want a pet baby rhino!

crazy good work:+1:

Thank you gyus for watching my thread and for your comments!

I love the pose of the Perseus and Medusa sculpt!
How did you make the snake skales? it’s a brush or noise?

The Perseus artwork was done long ago. There wasn’t tools like dynamesh and noisePlug. And the only way to do scales and patterns were - UV’s.

Statuette concept of dance muse - Terpsyhora. Main trophy for “Go Go Queen” dance competition.
Hope you enjoy!

nice sculpt:+1:

The pose and the hair are great. I just wished the fingers weren’t symmetrical.

Beautiful sculpt. Love the pose, too.

Movie shot where the russian christian ortodox cross chops zombies blood drops. hEh… ))) One day task.


Very old piece of… messy-muddy head concept after rifle shot.

A little piece of my old work. This nice buddy gets a hatchet severe blow during the movie shot.


It was a great pleasure and honor to work on that project with totally creative and professional team. Just want to share some of my involvement as senior modeler texture artist.
I used zbrush for every task, either modeling or texturing it was. Full CG shots.