
abaker's works. The good, the bad and the ugly.

wow great sculpts!.. I really love the girl demon outstanding job on that one!

Beautiful renders! Good work

Thanks all! Very much appreciate your comments. :slight_smile:

Maury - Thank you :slight_smile: I’ve placed some bigger shot’s that are close to 1:1 scale on my blog here

Wow! I love your creatures, really inspirational stuff ! Want to see more :+1:

Wow Amazin

Oh my god, these are awesomeee! Love your design , concepts and scultp sir!
The demon girl is coool!!! I admire the level of realism you gave to your characters.
Really inspirational.

Hi all,

a VERRY long time since I got a moment to do some personal work. I bashed this one out after work yesterday and had a fair bit of fun with it. Rendered multiple passes in Zbrush and did final composite and paint over in Photoshop. The sculpt was very rough and quick and just to get into the composition.

Thanks again for all the fantastic comments, you’re a great community!



Nice! Been a while since we saw anything from you and I’m glad to see more. Cool hands and forms. Fun render.

I never saw the first image you posted on page one! Saw all the other ones, but the first one has really interesting feet. I like em. (Delayed comment for that one, haha)

awesome work, love the feel of this piece!

Wow this stuff is all really cool! beautiful ugly stuff.
I abaker too

Thanks so much guy’s!

Maury, Thanks a lot :slight_smile: better late than never. One day I will showcase more of the foot design on that one as they’re able to go flat or stand upright like that. But a better illustration is needed :slight_smile: thanks again.

Rick, huge privelage to have you look at my stuff! Thank you for the compliment…another huge fan and student of your work.

Nice render. Really like your design on this one.

Fantastic stuff man !

I am fan !

Cheers, M.

Fantastic style mate, cant wait to see more!

Wow, your work is incredible and I’m in love with your dark style - and your ‘fish man’ on the first page is so much better than mine! :frowning: Haha, thanks for sharing these, I will definitely be dropping by again soon to check for updates.

Wow! great work and Great design and I love Jonny one Finger :wink:

… one day I’m gona put some effort into these experiments! :slight_smile: I wanted to try out the new fibremesh on something easy (not a fully furred animal) So i quickly sculpted up this guy, then spen the rest trying to get the hair right… wasn’t horrified with the results so thought I’d share. :slight_smile:

Thanks again for all the support guy’s! Maybe this one will put you off?


That guy is really cool. Looks great! Terrific design and reader. How quickly?, your starting to piss me off.

haha, thanks a lot! Bakers shouldn’t piss each other off, so here it is…
the sculpt was around 1.5 hours (I used the noise filter for a lot of the skin texture, and DamStandard brush for the cracks… Lazy i know!)
The hair was where it DIDN’T go quickly as I’d never used it before… so I spent a bit of time dicking around there, not exactly sure how long.
Then the polypaint and final composition might’ve been another 2 hours?

I say quick, as I wouldn’t call this a production sculpt… more of a concept :slight_smile:

golf clap…Very nice my man…to all of it…:D:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: