
2015 Sketchbook

Another progress shot. Going to take a break from this as I feel like I’ve run into a design blockade. Not sure if I want to add more to him, though the original concept is simple, but at the moment he seems slightly bland to me.

Received some good feedback from the guys over in the Retrogasm Competition and on polycount. So I gave him a bit of a leg day workout along with some other minor adjustments based on those suggestions.

Been awhile since I’ve posted over here. Gonna drop a couple things I’ve been back and forth on, sketchin around on and stuff. Hope you all dig it.



not finished with this guy yet…hope to get back to him soon

Finished up my Luigi sculpt. That was a lot of fun!


A little holiday spirit.


working on this guy at the moment. Hoping I can wrap this up in the next couple of weeks so I can start a Star Wars piece.

Finished up Galactus :). I was hesitant to start this for awhile…lazy/tired I guess.
Glad I did though, had a lot of fun sculpting the shapes/designs for the head gear and chest piece. Spent a lot of time using ZSphere + Retopo workflow
and I’m getting much more comfortable with that flow these days. Used maya to clean up some of the geo though…and also to create the cylindrical pieces
and chest piece. Other items were converted to IMM for quick placement. Any how, hope you guys dig it.


Awesome works! May I ask you to show some of your process? Im curious about the render, those images look alot like comicbook art, like a painting rather than sculpture. I like it alot.

i like it. it has a strength to it that i find amazing. great composition and colors. and the shapes add to it.

Really cool!

Thanks for the comments guys! Glad you dig it.

@teh_yap - I’m working on a small write up for that. Soon as it’s done I’ll post it.

One more render of Galactus.


Hey guys, I put together a couple of breakdown sheets on how I work and what passes I use. It’s not terribly detailed so if you have questions ask away.


great work

@Jhon - Thanks :slight_smile:

Wanted to sculpt something quick and did Daredevil.


last doodle for the year, Happy New Year!


