
Zif Click 2.0 Beta

Thanks Digits! This declares why, my tree has 2358 spheres, yeah that’s a lot :smiley:
If you want I can e-mail this tree to you for experiments.
Thanks for reply!

Hey Digits, you are one cool cat! Thank’s for this awesome script! I can’t wait for Pixologic to release the SDK, just to see what you can do with it!

Thanks guys

Bas, I will take you up on that offer, using your tool will definetely help me test the boundries of my script.

Digits, I need your e-mail adress to send this tree.
Send a mail to

Oooo. How wonderful! Thank you Digits! Looks fantastically useful. :+1:

This looks to be a terrific script. I can’t wait to start playing with it. Thank you Digits!

I seem to be missing something with the install :confused:. I have done what you indicated in a previous post which is to unzip the zip file to the ZStartup\ZPlugs folder. This places a folder called ZifClick2 at this location, but NO .zsc file is placed in the ZPlugs folder so ZBrush never sees it at launch. With ZCurves you have a ZCurvesBooter.zsc script so I was assuming I would find the same thing for Zif Click2, so I can only assume you intended all the files to be placed in the ZPlugs folder and not in a subfolder ZifClick2. Is that so or am I missing something obvious:qu: :o

I can launch it as a Script just fine, I just wanted it as a Startup Plugin.


Hi MacGregg

Looks like you uploaded the file from the beginning thread which had no booter. I had updated the script on the second page.

Here is another link which is the updated version of the script

This should get you goin!

Hey Digits,
Thanks, it is often difficult to tell in these forums what download is the latest version. This one is smaller and is named beta so I thought it was an older version.

This looks like a really cool plugin, great job!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

So, is this version 3:question: (“Zif Click3” Folder name;))

Thanks again,

Don’t wanna seem offensive but is there a way to change the “skin” of this amazing plugin? Not that I don’t like the author’s but I would prefer a cleaner one matching the ZcolorScheme, I think there should be a kind of bitmap in the plugin’s folder…
BoringGrayFederaik :))

UPDATE: umphf, forget about this one, just had a look @ the plugin folder and it’s loaded with .psd files :)))
DumbFederaik :slight_smile:

hmm, i just want to change the root sphere from the head to the chest and apparently I cant figgure it out, after the script runs its still the head. What am i doing wrong?

Edit never mind, 1: I had the wrong version 2: I didnt select it properly, I was selecting it the old way by clicking, not pressing D

Any chance this works or can be updated for z3?

Hi Spaceboy412

I haven’t been able to install ZB 3 on my computer, a situation that hopefully will be resolved soon… I hope.

I suspect that the script will need some changes to make it work but you might just give it a whirl and see what happens.

I am looking forward to experimenting with the new version of Zbrush and Zscripts especially if Pixologic releases the SDK that we all have been waiting so long for.

Crosses Fingers

Hey Digits,

Any word on a Zif Click script for ZB3?


i always got errors when loading this zscript… sometimes there is no buttons :confused:

Noobvee if you may have read this was made for ZB2 and never updated and therefore doesn’t work properly, most likely due to changes in zspheres and i believe a lack of SDK. Personally i never understood why this functionality wasn’t hardcoded into Z3.1.

i wish that newest version for zbrush 3.1 release… i don’t want to create all the zsphere from scratch… i just want to copy particular zsphere and paste them and attach :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes zscript for zspheres is broken in a way that makes my type of programs inoperative. I do hope they address the problem with a future update whenever that may be. It would surely re-spark my interest in programming again.

Thanks for your interest

hey digits, i just gave this zifclick 2 and 3 a quick test and the copy/paste function so far seems to be working at least better than it did in 3.1 one hitch though is that evertime you select a node with the “d” button and do a copy or paste you need to go back into the zscript palette and hit reload to be able to select a new node. i didn’t try the other functions but i think maybe they fixed some of the issues with 3.1.
any chance of updating it or do you know why it needs to be reloaded each time to select a node?
i also want to say thanks for these plugins in the past, and i have a strange feeling some of the new zsketch functions are based on your old zifworm etc plugins, i never really understood them too well though.

Hi Spaceboy

I have checked those scripts for functionality and there as you have found out there are issues. I’m hoping to have some time and inspiration to sort out all the changes and get the scripts working again. Based on what I have seen testing my ZCurve script that there may be still some problems with zscript programming of zspheres.

Have anyone else been able to test whether those problems were addressed in the new update?