
ZBrush Helmet Design NEW! Project Files Added!

These are the best z-brush-video tuts for me until now! Thank you so much!

the one with the sculpting brushes is not loading on the i-pad though…

Great videos ! Thanks a lot Joseph and Pixologic. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
Just a small problem with one of them : I cannot watch #2. Sculpting-Brushes on my Ipad (Safari and Chrome)
All the other videos were OK. Is it just me ?
I’ll try later on the PC

Waiting for the next update.

This truly illustrates the manic-depressive aspect of Zbrush.
The Manic part is the thank you to Mr. Durst for these remarkable videos. Truly educational and will
be viewed a lot by me.
The Depressive part is that these features have laid dormant for so long, not used because of
Zbrush is starting to share an aspect of Maya that I find disturbing.
There are so many settings and features and so little documentation about them.
Talked to a Maya employee a few years ago ( Maya 2012) he had worked for the company since they were called
Alias. He said although the interface had stayed basically the same, the features had grown to such an extent
that the people who worked for the company did not know a fraction of them.
Hope this will not be the case going forward with Zbrush.
Again my thanks to Mr.Durst for these videos and to Zbrush for encouraging them.
Keep 'em comin

I have paid good money for videos and books that were not half as informative as these few videos.
Attention Zbrush, instead of shirts and keychains why not videos and books?
I am sure a book/video by Mr. Durst along the lines of what is posted here would not languish on the shelves.

From what I remember Mr. Aurick was in the process of writing a book.

There would be the ultimate resource!

On another note there is a program called Internet Download Manager that enables you to download the
videos played here.
Minus is that is ain’t free.

We have identified an issue that was preventing videos from playing properly on mobile devices and resolved it. If you had the problem before, it should be gone now.


Works OK on my Ipad now. :smiley:

Thanks Aurick :+1:

On mine as well.
thanks a lot!

Really Fantastic!

Would it be possible to get the back view of the helmet.
At the beginning there is only the front and side view.
Thank you for a new and wonderful tuto


4r6 upgrade was/is a lot to digest. Thanks to Joseph and Pixologic for this comprehensive look at hard surface modeling!

The videos are excellent.

I plan to use them as a reference as I gain more confidence with the amazing features of ZBrush 4r6.




Great set of videos, lots of info that I have missed out on knowing along the way. Like undoing a clip slice after adding holes to a curved surface to get holes that aren’t projected from the surface normal. Who knew? Neat trick and very sweet. Thank you.

Thank you so much for all the info !!

alt-clicking the middle inner circle of the transpose handle - especially for tapering with the scale tool

didn´t know that, thanks!

@Pixo: why don´t you upload these videos to youtube? the pixo-youtube-channel is quite outdated, and half of the great tutorials are missing there

@Pixo: why don´t you upload these videos to youtube? the pixo-youtube-channel is quite outdated, and half of the great tutorials are missing there

I would appreciate that too!

@Joe Drust, LOL, Is that a scan of Gabo in that Helmet? LOL, That is Awesome!

Another mind blowing tutorial from Josheph Drust… awesome… thank you so much Pixologic :slight_smile:

thank you for the job well done!


After viewing the first few videos, I was amazed at how much info Joseph got into these clear videos. I spent a good part of my ZBrush time last week working on a character’s outfit and found I’d picked up a lot from this video series and added it to my work flow on that project. It made ZBrushing a lot easier.

Mask by polygroups in the Brushes pallet alone has been a terrific creative upgrade.

Thanks again for this terrific set of videos!


Thank you Joseph Drust and Pixologic,
This is really helpful to have a complete seires of tutorials that captures all (or most) of the major functions of this software, in one exercize. It is easy to get frustrated while trying to learn ZB through the ZB Classroom because there were no comprehensive, start to finish, examples. Now there is.

Thanks, again.

This series is another amazing one with so many helpful techniques. Thank you Joe, and Pixologic, and everyone else who openly shares such great processes and workflows in the ZBrush community.

And just when I thought the series was completed, you’ve added more!