
***** ZBrush 3.12 - for Mac OS X - Available Now *****

yea, I’m for some screen shots too! show the people some examples of them new features!:grimacing:

screens please

lol, yea, screens or it didnt happen!

what do you 'tards want more–screens or download links?? :lol:

I want screens while I wait for my download link :slight_smile:

That’s “MR. 'tard” to you.

Aww man! You got screens in my download link! :lol:

Like Michael Valentine Smith, “I am but an egg…waiting is.”

I’ll post some pics when I get Home.

awesome! can’t wait! :slight_smile:

a list of a few things, if you don’t mind:

  • can we paint directly on the textures besides polypaint?
  • is it multilayered?
  • what about the perspective?
  • how does it look with the new ambient occlusion?
  • is it good when baking?
  • are the sub-tool master and transpose master incorporated?
  • any other thing cool that you can share with us?

thanks in advance

who the heck rated this thread?? 1* is hilarious…

Yes!! :roll_eyes:

Okay, okay… I’ll ‘settle’ for a download link. :wink:

(and the climax to this whole thing will be, of course, that I find out I have no sculpting abilities whatsoever, and this whole year and ten days of bitchin’ and gripin’ will have been for nothing - and THEN I will shoot myself, or hang myself. Whichever is more painful.)


ok here is my computer with it


I’snt it great?

They actually made a reverse time module built into the software so this way release dates are no longer a issue.
Just hit the revdate button and POOF it will take you back to yesteryear where you can learn Zbush when you were young. Never knowing it took any amount of time for a new upgrade EVER.

Ah crap!
This is the Mac release forum.
You never seen this release!!!
(hitting revdate button)


You never seen this!!!
got me?

Just remember shovels are cheap my friend !

Ok here are some pics. so far the coolest thing is the cursor actually follows the contours. the interactive Light is cool. the floor was long overdue. Multithread (yes) (+254% performance is what it told me once I activated it) or layers(yes) I’m not familiar with the multi layer. perspective is simplified. I have not seen the subtool master or transpose master in here yet.

nice shots skull
I just bought a mac book pro so hopefully I will be joining in the fun also;)

The FLOOR is way way over due. Now we can actually tell a little more direction in our scene. XYZ wise maybe.

hey thanks a lot skullbeast! looks pretty cool. i wonder what the heck those PUV tiles are. Guess I’ll find out when I get it!

Very cool. Thanks! :+1:

within thirty seconds of using zbrush on the mac, I could tell it was the first time I experienced such a feat of software design on the Mac. Not the type of GUI I’m used to for 3D programs, but clearly well crafted.
That said, I’ve only used it for a few minutes so far.

In other words. Pixollogic, THANK YOU. If you were women I would send you flowers.

If there is any possibility of a G5 version, I would love to beta Test :slight_smile: Not to pester, only to tell you I love your products so much, I want it on all my systems. :slight_smile:

Is it stable? what are your system specs? Max out the poly’s post some screen shots…

hook us up

More input!!

At last!!! After a very long stressful day of trying, and failing, Z3 is finally in my hot little hands!!!
Never thought this day would come, but it’s here at last! Much thanks to Matthew for all his help. Now, to see what this baby can do.

so its still a 4gb limit?