
Z4 Beta Testing By: Frederik Storm

Link to actual matcaps:

I thought, if I’m gonna upload one, I might as well upload them all, but these are by no means the most elegant matcaps, as my knowlagde on what does what on the matcaps is very limited. So its mainly trail and error :smiley:
But I hope some of you can use them :wink:

still working on the videos, I got some problems converting them for some reason.

the image I used for reflection is this one: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap100718.html
Hope NASA are okay with me using it, hehe :wink:

great MatCaps! thanks for sharing!
I digg the last one!

Thanks for the matcaps Storm, they look great !

cheers <img src=“http://www.zbrushcentral.com/pixo/atn.gif”>

amazing work

I’ll be patiently waiting for it… Its cool that you’re wanting to show us. I’m sure everyone who enjoys your work will be excited you’re doing so

Hi Frederik, this is an amazing thread which I find very exciting and inspiring. Recording the whole process and sharing it deserves a huge thank you as its great to take a moment and watch you make good use of the new tools. The characters are brilliant and are a lot of fun. That Shader you made for transparencies looks awesome!!:+1:

Awesome thanks for sharing, love the turtle character.:+1:

Thanks a lot man very helpfull. The matcaps are definetly cool.
Once again I think that your rhino is definetly one of the best Z4 sculpts iv seen yet.

Sweet sculpts man,

thanks again

Great characters. The Rhino and the Turtle are awesome.
Thanks for the videos, very helpful.


Ralf Stumpf

aohaoahoa!!! unbelievable Work! really the best Creative work there!!!

Thanks man, glad you like them :wink:

No problem mate :wink:

Thank you! Glad you like them.

Finially got the videos up!
I might get one up with the suit some time, but I can’t promise when.

@Arran J Lewis
Thank you, I’m super glad you like it, I’m properly not gonna put up all the videos though :wink:

Thank you much appreciated!

Thank you, I’m just glad you like it, really appreciate it!

Thanks a bunch Ralf, I’m really glad to hear you like him, and could use the videos!

haha thanks man, really appreciate it :smiley:

Okay so here are the videos, as you can see, started from zspheres and used mainly claybuildup and flatten to get the shapes:





And thank you guys so much for all the nice comments, I’m really glad you all like the models and videos!

Thank you for the videos!!!

You’re so freakin Generous dude!!! Thanks For the videos, I’ll definitely be watching Looking for some ways to learn… I Love your stylized characters I hope to be able to make some characters so I can animate them in the future

And take your time on the suit stuff… I’ll feast on these for now. Although I won’t lie… Can’t wait for those either…

Thanks Again Bro


Thanks guys, I’m really glad you could use them :wink:

I just wanted to express again(after beta phase) how cool is the turtle!
Do you considered it done or you are going to texture it? It’s great as it is, but I would love to see this textured!

Thanks a bunch Yiannis, I think I’ll be moving on to a new model instead of texturing my turtle, although I’d love to see it textured some day, so who knows :wink:

Btw. I’m totally blow away by your renders, I can’t believe they are zbrush :wink:
And the model turned out amazing as well!

MAN WTF?..this thread is toprow !!! so much glory i know you since your first steps at cinister circle …what a great improvement…you learned so much …great man …this is toprow stuff …really extra…LOVE IT!!! :laughing:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Haha, thanks you so much mate, I’m super glad you like it! :smiley:
Yeah I rember the good times at sinister circle, man, I wish that site was still up and running.

Hope we are gonna see something new from you soon :wink:

great work!:+1:

Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile: