
Wethand's character illustration sketchbook

Cool sketch book! I missed the Easter Bunny sculpt. I like the way you mix the bizarre with a touch of realism. The rendering is well done. Good work!

Mr. Smile is cool! Is the Practice sculpt a self portrait? It is good to see you continuing to hone your skills! I look forward to seeing more.

hi there,

thank you very much antisymmetry. it’s good to know that some remember me… and no, the practice is just some 3d.sk reference pic i found on my pc. :slight_smile:

updated the smile and began some new concept… hopefully i will finish one of them :wink:





hey there people,

i finished modeling on mr. smile. next step is texturing.
my goal for this “character” is bringing it into the udk! to have something like “ingame stuff” on my reference list.

my last “safegame” was broken, so i had to start it from my first one.

hope, u like it.




Hi there Jan! Its been a while. I hope everythings ok?
Great to see some new work. Its as always a bit.. ehm.. lets say unusual. :smiley:
The smile guy is cool! Is there a background story?
I`m looking forward to seeing the next update. :slight_smile:

hey moni!!!
i am really happy to read something from you! :slight_smile:

actually i am such a person which never is really okay… u know… always slightly depressed… but i am giving it all to walk further on my path!
many thanks for the comment! :slight_smile:
no background-story for him. i just wanted a “simple” character to get into game! I HAVE TO DO IT!! i don’t know why, but i still wish to get into the industry… maybe i’ll make it one day.

i updated the smile and found another speedy on my disk.
Smile is nearly done. some texturing work and than i’ll try to get him into the low-poly-ingame-udk-animation-whatever world. i mean, it has to be usable for something… the ability to create 3d-content.

if there is someone searching for a freelance character-artist and doesn’t want to pay the world: HERE!!! :wink:
i am pretty low priced :wink:

hope you like it.





Loving this last guy, Jan, great work!!! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

thank you very much rawsun! =)

here is an update on the smile and his weapon.
finally i made it to get an low-poly result.
its the zbrush-shot, the 3ds max viewport and the wireframe.

there is much space for improvement on the UV-Layout and the seams.

i already started to rig it with cat.
my plan is to get him into the UDK. this time i really could make it.
If someone has any tips, please tell me. i don’t have any experience in real time content creation…

hope you like it.









he looks really good. has a nice personality even though he’s wearing a mask. I confused though. Why does he have so many triangles? i mean, the shoes and the rings seem a little dense, but not that dense.

thanks tyrone!
is this too much? how many tris are recommendable?
i think the two things on his trousers holding it (this two little things) and the rings on his mask are heavy…
and maybe the statistic shows also hidden objects, and there are a rig and a box hidden. have to experiment with that.

further work in some days. there is my apprenticeships intermediate examination on wednesday and i should do something for it. :wink:

okay, i showed all statistics.

it has only 7k tris. is that okay??




Hello there,

this are my first steps in animation. i created a walkcycle and two testrenders.
yah, its not perfect. the feet need much work… rigging is pretty hard.

hav to go to bed now…







Oh, I don’t know how many tris is considered ok anymore. It really depends on what the character it being used for i guess. I was just to see such a high number, that’s all.

Thanks for sharing you basemesh, it behaves beautifully in zbrush. Awesome work :smiley:

hey there guys.

@tyrone: yeah, this was pretty high… but it was the count of all object… he has only 7k tris… and this is okay i think
@raukun: thanks for thanking! :slight_smile: good to know that this is useful for someone.

i started a new one. maybe someone can think who i am aiming at…
my first try on a real portrait…

hope u like it… c&c is much appreciated




hey there people,

updated my last guy. maybe you recognize him.
Next part is the body and his clothing… which will be the worst part…

the beard is an placeholder and the texture is not completely done. still working on it, but i don’t have much time.
C&C is MUCH appreciated.




Danny Trejo!
Wonderful so far.

thank you mikala! that shows it’s recognizable! thanks alot!
i will work further on it!

thanks again! :slight_smile:

Hi Jan. You should save the pic with another name next time when you ask if someone recognizes him because it shows the title of the pic as soon as you hover over it with the mouse. :cool:
Well… you saved it as Machete and not under the name of the actor but Machete is a huge hint.
Ummm… I think its Jessica Alba. :D Ok, seriously -- he is clearly recognizable even if you hadnt named it like that… but ugh… I can`t stand this movie.
Anyways, nice modeling!

thanks for the hint moni!

just wanted to share my first try with shadowbox… nice feature for fast roughing of stuff! comes really handy!
and little updating on his body

working on… hope u like it and… c&c always appreciated machete.jpg

further working on my machete.
btw: its all made using zbrush! only the initial basemesh of the figure was made in 3ds max. all other stuff was extruded, shadowboxed or unified meshed… :wink:

c&c is MUCH appreciated!


