
Weekly Sketch Group(Topic#6 - 1 of 10 Popular Mythical/Fantasy Creatures)

looks too low poly to tell.

Man Troy… that basic block out is pretty intense! :eek:
Awesome start! That would be a really advanced block out for me.

Malo, these might help. It seems like you’ve got the right amount of bones but maybe the length is off? I could be totally off here though.



487px-BirdLeg copy.jpg

so i’m done bombin around town for awhile, lolz
here is a wip about 30 minutes after got home

double post

so here was i been messin with the last couple hours, keep peeps in the loop.
any crits welcome

StefanH - diggin the rock look, you gotta run with it

Spaceboy412 - bout time for a chimera update i says lolz

Pride - looks good, i just wish i could see the mermaid up close

troy1617 - WOW! what a block out, dude awesome way to start

Malo Juanito- speaking from my own nightmares with wings, you might want to add some depth to them otherwise he looks like he has kites for wings



@Dribble. Thanks man. those images helpme a ton. I´m been working whitout ref images.

@Orkan. You´re right. Depht added.

Right now i totally lost my model. Specifically the eagle legs part :evil:. I´ll try to move back to Maya to fix them and re-start from there. Anyway, it´s part of the learning process :laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:small_orange_diamond:laughing:

ugg, so im still on the dominance war work schedule so i was up till stupid late here what i got before i went to bed. I might do some more work later today




Pride, I’ll also be giving out free computers, personal jets and a whole box of taffy.

Orkan, I’m really liking the goblin (and the frequent updates!). His thighs look a little thick to me from front angle but maybe he just does a lot of walking.

Malo, glad those images helped you out! You’re starting all over again or just reworking the front legs?

The new topic is up but this one is still running until May 27th, so no rush.

The new challenge is to give human characteristics to a reptile, amphibian or crustacean from the list of ten that I have posted.

You can find the new challenge…

So I’ve had a bit of a splintering of ideas here, on one hand I like to think of him as about 18" tall, on the other hand archetype kinda decrees what he should look like and be equipped with. I know everybody just cringed at that sentence but it is the ironic truth. So here are some quick paint overs whilst I ponder. I would really appreciate feedback as to which direction you would personally would like to see this go. …I’m well aware how unattractive both of these look lolz




@Orkan. I think because of the skin color, the classical way fits better to your goblin.
@Dribble. I´m rebuilding the entire eagle parts. Hope finish them as soon as i have some free time this night.

relevant because it seems to be a griffin.
loved SOTC and ICO.

Awesome find! I’ve been waiting for Team ICO to come out with something new.

okay so had some time on lunch break to work on this guy, added some armor and a beatin stick let me know what you think.
kinda getting bored with him and afraid I’m crossing into over worked territory quickly. might be time to work on my croco-human



Nice! That looks great Orkan!

I like the beatin stick.

So, after rebuilding the topology, this is the farest i can take this buddy with my Zbrush skills. It´s my first Zbrush sculpt, when i first acquire it was for fun. Actually i´m made video for living. Couple of months back, i´m seriously thinking make 3D for real. Any comments, critics and such, are more than welcome. See you on the next thread.

Orkan hope to see these days your goblin finished. But i think with just a little more details it´s done.

Does any one can tell me where can a i find the bronze material used around?


you should find it there

dragon sketch in progress…
[dragon head sketch v.1.jpg](javascript:zb_insimg(‘141401’,‘dragon%20head%20sketch%20v.1.jpg’,1,0))

Orkan- wow great little guy there.
malo thats a great start, mostly you just need to copy some anatomy to the rest of the body.
troy, i really love this, the way the forms are so bold and blocky, like a rockdragon, its a nice change from the smooth scaly types we have seen much of late. troy one thing i seem to point out to you all the time, lol, is that the position of the eyes speak of the type of animal, having the eyes at the sides as you do speaks more of an herbivore or scavenger than a hunter, but i guess by design dragons might need more horse based position as you’ve done, hmm have to think about that…
dribble- any updates?