

aawwww … LOOK ! It’s SO CUTE ! nomnomnom

Well done ! :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:


nice model :smiley:

Thanks a lot guys!

Ha ha, great one here. Sick, but in a strange funny way-:smiley: Nice textures. Good use of that new Fiber Mesh. The Poly painting looks cool. Clean render. Right on with the turn table. One quick question though, I am missing the point with the arm in mid air. Are you suggesting he just finished chomping the body down? Cause I am looking at it like this, if this were to be a collectible (which it most certainly could), you would have to attach the arm to something? But, again, don’t take this as a bad comment, the design on this piece is briliant… just thinking REAL WORLD i.e. if it were 3D printed or something.

Yes you are right on that. This was suppose to cover a snapshot of a scene. A guy wanted to warn everybody about this Swoopy creature and ofcourse he was too curious about the “costume” - too late though…
So the Swoopy just swallowed this poor guy and the arm holding the warning sign is what you still can see in this scene.

It wasn’t meant to be printed or casted - however - maybe I will go back to this creature and build a whole environment and backstory and think about a limited edition in resin. Ofcourse - then I’ll have to correct some things at the character itself and the arm holding the sign could lay on the ground for example.

Thanks for your comment!!!

Pixologic asked me to upload SWOOPY to the turntable gallery - so I changed the scene just a little to make it more obvious about the hand… i think it’s better now.


I finally got back to the AMOR DRAGON and reworked many things. New polypaint and some fibers later this is the progress I made:

Any comments welcome.

He’s an AMOR DRAGON - responsible for spreading the love in the fairytale land. It’s a 24/7 duty and he hates his job - flying around and shooting arrows with his cupid beeing bored…and that his skin is pink doesn’t light up his mood either.


Turntable coming soon…

Lovely! Very funny.
The dragon is very nice.
Oh it’s so pink inside here :smiley:

Thanks for sharing,


Thanks, yes it got a little pinkish here…but enough now…on to new colors.

and here’s the turntable:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=109786" classid="clsid<img src=" zbc="" img="" zbc_style="" smilies="" biggrin2.gif"="" alt="" title="Big Grin" smilieid="3" class="inlineimg" height="357" border="0" width="400">

<embed type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” src=“http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=109786” bgcolor="#000000" allowfullscreen=“true” flashvars=“intl_lang=en-us&photo_secret=a818b42924&photo_id=6774316650” height=“480” width=“550”></object>

:smiley: Nice ! He’s cute :smiley: Need one for my desk :smiley:



Thanks a lot!

And thanks to PIXOLOGIC for featuring me in their blog and Turntable Gallery - great honor!

"We have just added a few turntables from a member new to the gallery. This illusive artist only goes by VISEone, and has been building a portfolio of some interesting characters and creatures for the past year. The creature titled “Swoopy” is what caught our attention; the texturing and rendering are great, and FiberMesh was used for the grass. "

Check out VISEone’s artwork at the ZBrush Turntable Gallery
See more artwork from VISEone at ZBrushCentral.com

Hi VISEone, congrats on the blog and TurnTable Gallery!! You deserve it. As I posted over on my forum, really, really digging these characters of yours. I would love to have these as collectibles on my desktop. This last one (Amor Dragon), now that’s a cool idea (who would have ever thought CUPID as a Dragon?? Eesh, only the mind of an artist-:D) You keep making cool images like this and you have a fan for life-:wink:
On another note, I had the great opportunity to live in your country for 3 yrs via the US Army. Any chance I had (when we were not training), I would travel your beautiful country. Man, any time someone asks me what I most remember about Germany, I always say “how amazingly GREEN it is” (well, except for the winter). And I still remember that to this day. I really want to go back there before the good lord calls me. I have nothing but great memories of your wonderful country.
Well, as I have already stated, love your work. Your one of the cool artists I love following up here. Please, keep us begging for more-:wink:

Wow VISEone, I just had to make one more comment before going to bed. Your not going to believe this but, I think our paths were ment to be crossed. You see, I went to your website and just browsed around (like everything I see there of course-:D), but, when I went to your ‘CG ILLUSTRATIONS’ I saw the image below (hope you don’t mind me posting here). Don’t know what you call the image, but I am calling it ‘water dragon’?? Anywho, I saw this image some time ago (a while ago actually) while I was just checking out dragon images (I love dragon Images), I had ran across the image below. But of course, at the time I had NO idea who had did it. I liked it so much I had downloaded it (no, I did not sell it or anything-;)) to my ‘cool art’ folder. And lord and behold, here I am tonight just looking around your site and there it is, your piece. Sorry, it’s just that I have been reading a book called ‘The Secret’ and it talks about in there on how if one tunes their mind to a certain thing, that the universe will take care of the rest by bringing in those things we most desire at the time i.e. if you think about bad things, well, bad things will come. If you think about good things, good things will come. If you think about art, artistic things will come. And I am not talking about if you go get a pencil and paper and draw a picture dthat well, there is a piece of art. I am (they are) talking about things you don’t even see just all of a sudden appearing i.e. an owner of an art gallery (that you have never met) just out of the blue calls you and wants to do an exhibit of your work and just things like that. Anywho, don’t want to freak you out or anything. But it’s just cool that I liked your art some time ago and I like it today and now, here we are talking on the net. Just awsome. Well, keep making art my friend… just keep doing what you love. Talk with ya soon.


VISEone Water Dragon.jpg

Almost missed this one. Ya, I kinda figured it was for just an ‘image’. And if that is the case, then ya, love it. But, as ‘now’ we both pointed out, if it is to be made into a limited collectors addition, some changes would have to be made (as I saw in the turntable). I think that will work. Goodness, need to get to bed, need to get to bed-:smiley: Have a great day VISEone.

Hey Dragon,
thanks so much for your interesting reply! When and where have you been stationed. I live near several important Airbases in germany: Spangdahlem, Rammstein, Hahn and Bitburg are near too - but are closed down.

Funny story about the image you spottet. It’s called SEA HUNTER and was my entry to the designertoy and collectible world end of 2007.
It’s an illustration I made from a sketch by my close friend Ralph Ferres - who died in a car accident in oct.'10.
The SEA HUNTER was produced as a resin collectible and got sold out quickly. The next release was the SAD DRAGON which was a hommage to ELLIOT (Pete’s Dragon). It was available in different special colorways - all very limited. The original version was the red colorway and there is a version with a clear head - representing that he’s just about to make himself invisible.
The SAD DRAGON also is based on my illustration - original sketched by Ralph as well. We two had a crush on cartoony dragons and had more plans into this direction. But unfortunately I have to follow this path by my own now after my friend’s death.

Here are some more images - showing the SEA HUNTER collectible and the SAD DRAGON (which is also almost sold out - there’s one on eBay I think and a german based designertoy store still got two colorways)



Ya, ya, that’s where I think I saw it. Wasn’t it at patchtogether or shapways or one of those sites? Ya, man, I fell in love with this style.
I was stationed in Germany from late 1987 through early 1991. I was posted at what once was called LEE BARRACKS (not to long ago I was on the net to see what had become of the post, looks like it’s been turned into some condo or apts complex-looks real nice). That is in Mainz Keztel near Weisbaden by the River Rien (sorry if I am misspelling some words here-:confused:). It’s about 30 to 45 minutes from Frankfurt (man, I loved paryting there. Great city!) Perhaps one day, I can return and heck, we can meet up and get a beer??

I made a loose sketch on a even more loose idea for a new character.
The idea is to create a turtle with different kinds of armored parts, mechanical items and/or spacesuit.
I’m also thinking of adding a jetpack or something like that.

So here’s the sketch and I will post images of my progress soon


Here’s a first attempt for the head. I tried some mix of cartoony and edgy.
I might tryout another more organic style as well…

Also I add a short timelapse of my progress so far.



<object type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” data=“http://www.flickr.com/apps/video/stewart.swf?v=109786” classid=“clsid<img src=” zbc="" img="" zbc_style="" smilies="" biggrin2.gif"="" alt="" title=“Big Grin” smilieid=“3” class=“inlineimg” height=“369” border=“0” width=“400”>
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some progress…

thought i model a straight shell first before I’ll add any technical items…


looking good I like the change you made to his eyelids it has a good shape and expression