
Tutorial: Rendering 32-bit displacements in Renerman for Maya 1.1


Hi, there. A simple fix is to not convert you mesh to a Maya SubD, instead attach a Renderman SubD scheme attribute to the mesh. I’ve found that using Renderman’s native attributes give the best results. It might be a UV problem but lets start with that first. The next thing to check would be the bounding box settings for the displacement. Try the above first, if it does not help, let me know and I’ll do my best to help out.

Hi thanks for help :wink:
But the bounding box don’t change nothing.
And if i do not convert in subd, it’s good but the occlusion is not …
And the pb exist always in adaptive or group uv tile, perhaps may i do the uv normally ?.
And i precise that i use renderman for maya 1.0 ; perhaps the pb is that …
Thanks again for help …

I fixed the problem. I use trace displacement and trace bias on my model and it works good :slight_smile:
For more explanation you could see here :

Hi, guys, since there was talks and tuts on this thread on SSS, I’d like to ask you guys about using SSS in conjunction with IBL.

Using the RfM’s environment light, I tried setting the SSS with various settings but turns out didn’t have any effect on SSS. The pic itself doesn’t seem to have the slightest SSS.

Is this correct? That RfM’s SSS cannot be used with IBL? I looked into the RfM docs but perhaps it’s buried somewhere in there…

Thanks in advance.

nevermind, the RfM forum solved it.

First off, renderman is insane when it comes to displacements. My jaw droped after that first render. I still can’t believe how fast it renders quality disp maps.
As happy as I am so far with renderman, im still having a wierd problem using bump maps. Basically, the disp works great by itself, the bump works great by itself, but when ever I have an object with both a disp and a bump map, it goes crazy. The displacement shows up fine, but it creates wierd black outlines around crease areas and the bump map seems non existent. Any clue what im doing wrong? The shader setup is pretty basic. Ill try to post a shot later so this makes a little more sense =P

Edit: Just to be a little more clear. The displacement was created in Zbrush using the Multi Displacement plugin. The bump map was also created in zbrush, using a greyscale map and painting via projection master and the bump material.


Dispmaps can cause those in creases due to disp clipping. Try adding renderman attribs to your dispmap node.

And it is so impressive on disp renders, it kicks mental ray in the butt.

Displacement clipping is usually caused by bounding box errors. You’ll want to read up on adjusting the bounding box in the help docs; as its something you’ll want to optimise anyway, for even faster render times! :wink:

Woot, adding the renderman attr to the disp fix it.
Thanks fellas!

Hi guys,
Just made some test with Renderman for Maya 1.1 and
got this issue:
For production purposes I need to mantain a mesh as a polygon
and not as a Subdivision Surface in Maya.
So I decided to Convert my mesh at Rendertime with Renderman
(oh man that’s cool! )
This is what I Get :frowning:


Any suggestions?

Thanks everybody! Enigma you rock! :slight_smile:

I’ve continued playing around with RfM and 32-bit Displace Maps…
Can you please tell me if the following things also happen to you?


-Mesh is converted using standard Maya Polygon to Subdivision Conversion
-All UVS are Layouted in 0,1 space (NO ADAPTIVE, NO GROUP, JUST A PRETTY PELTED UVLayout)
-4K Displace Map, 32-bit ( DE-LBEK-EAEAEA-D32) and NOT filtered (in the Maya node)
-Standard Blinn Shader with Displace Map applied
-Renderman’s SSS feature activated.


Everything is just fine but the Whole Mesh has a Huge unique Texture.



If I need for example more detail on the face. I can generate
two 4K displace maps (one for the face and one for the body).
This is pretty simple to do in ZBRUSH (we need to adjust in Maya the UV layout
on the mesh of course)

So now we have:

-Mesh is converted using standard Maya Polygon to Subdivision Conversion
-Head Uvs are layouted in a 0,1 space (NO ADAPTIVE, NO GROUP, JUST A PRETTY PELTED UVLayout)
-Body Uvs are layouted in a 0,1 space (NO ADAPTIVE, NO GROUP, JUST A PRETTY PELTED UVLayout)
-Two different 4K Displace Maps, 32-bit ( DE-LBEK-EAEAEA-D32) and NOT filtered (in the Maya node)
-A Blinn Shader with the Head Displace Map applied on the Head Faces
-A Blinn Shader with the Body Displace Map applied on the Body Faces



If I add the SSS Feature on both Blinns Shaders I get an error during rendering.
And the SSS effect is simply ignored.


CASE “C” (using the Catmull-Clark Renderman Node)

-Mesh is converted at rendertime using the Renderman’s Catmull-Clark algorithm.
-Head Uvs are layouted in a 0,1 space (NO ADAPTIVE, NO GROUP, JUST A PRETTY PELTED UVLayout)
-Body Uvs are layouted in a 0,1 space (NO ADAPTIVE, NO GROUP, JUST A PRETTY PELTED UVLayout)
-Two different 4K Displace Maps, 32-bit ( DE-LBEK-EAEAEA-D32) and NOT filtered (in the Maya node)
-A Blinn Shader with the Head Displace Map applied on the Head Faces
-A Blinn Shader with the Body Displace Map applied on the Body Faces


Tiles from the displace map are all over as you can read in my post above.
You can see it here: www.aadp.it/public/test.jpg

This is simply unusable.

CASE A: Displacement is OK, SSS is OK, Not Enough Resolution --> One Huge Texture
CASE B: Displacement is OK ,Details are very HIGH (2 DISPLACE MAPS), SSS is ignored
CASE C: Subdivision at Rendertime, Tiles are all over the displaced mesh.

Enigma please Help me :slight_smile:

Can someone help me… I’m rendering a 32bit displacement in maya using the subdiv scheme on a poly mesh The UV is laid out very nicely in 0-1. It seems like the problem may be in the zbrush displacement export itself (notice the sharp edges by the eye in the mesh?). Hopefully the image will illustrate the problem.

I really appreciate it.


p.s. The detailing isn’t done but I just wanted to make sure it was working before i went any further

When you export your displacment from zbrush, make sure that “smooth Uv is enabled”.

Where in the md2 plugin is that? Will it effet the output off the md2 plugin if i turn smooth uv’s on in the displacement tab under tool?


hey Rman Gurus,

this is an SOS to anybody who can help me to render an AO pass with Renderman. i’ve followed the tutorial kindly provided by Enigma but am too dumb to understand how to render my object(character) with no shaders assigned and lights on. i believe this is the only thing killing me right now and would love to know how to do it so i dont end up spending 15 minutes per frame stuck rendering with MR.

If anyone could help, you would save my reel…

Would shading the character with a white surface shader, turning on trace displacements and switching on the rman env light work for what you need?

hey Casey

thanks for the advice but all i got was a completely white render. the left side of the pic shows what i wanted, the right however is what i got :frowning:

so annoying cos theres prolly a simple answer to rendering as a secondary pass w/ no lights visable or shaders assigned…

morph, I don’t know why by your pic doens’t show on my browser. You can’t render anything out without a shader. (even a light is considered a shader)

above is a thumbnail of the pic i posted previously. thanks for confirming what i already thought man. i was just tryna follow the occlusion pdf on page 2 of this thread and it shows an AO pass the way i want. unfortunately, i havent had any luck.

thanks for the point regarding the shaders too.

…so i did a few tests on aquiring a secondary occlusion pass from a few simple objects and it felt good knowin i could follow instructions. i can now safely assume that the reason my occlusion attempts on my character haven’t worked, is because of the displacement, however ive added trace displacement and trace bias to the mesh and followed enigmas settings exactly and repeatedly just to be certain. please if anyone can help, it would be really good to get some input on my problem.
this is a screen grab to show my predicament.

thanks for any help offered guys.