
TOPIC: Zbrush photoalbum!!

this is me…

Somehow I never got in on the fun with this (even after E.A. Krippler’s request). So here goes. It is cool to have the faces to go with the names.

ok, i surrender. mainly because of Muvlo’s pic above… i just wanted to let you know that there was an edition of Muvlo :smiley: around as early as 1976, impersonified by juju (yes, i am/was the one on the left and no, Muvlo and me we are NOT related to the best of my knowledge :wink: ) :
and for reasons of depicting the dynamics of evolution towards less hair :smiley: and as an :ex: to not switch from coffee to beer for Muvlo (the belly is well hidden down there) i complete it with a pic taken 2 weeks ago during the local pub’s happy hours :rolleyes:

  • juandel

thanx guys, i think thi has been a great post. its great to put all these faces to the names. I hope we can geta couple more in here, pix, cough, cough, ZUZU hehe

p.s. im glad you decided to join this Aurick

Yes [EA]Krippler!! Is very very great to put all these faces to the names !! I hope that Mentat and Aurick join too this topic!!!
Sorry for my english my friend HEHEHEHEHE

Mr. Braun – Look at page 3 of this thread. I’m already there. :slight_smile:

here’s me on a really cool trip to chicago last summer…im the youngest member who put his photo here… :rolleyes:

The insane one

You will have to excuse the glare, I must have misplaced my hairpiece. :smiley:

This is me (three picts - I’m a Leo :wink:

oops, the first one’s 1986.

Sorry Aurick !! :smiley: :smiley: I have seen !!! :smiley: :+1:

Juandel, anyone ever tell you that you look like a younger version of Tommy Lee Jones. :+1: :slight_smile:

This is always painful. I really… really hate my picture being taken.

moi and friends.

my scanner isnt installed and im too lazy to do that so no pic from me for now. Anyway i think Pixolator doesnt need to post a pic since we should all think of him as a glowing entity that has granted us this wonderful program. lol actually i would also like to see what he looks like, anyone plan on taking pics at the macworld thing? Actually i was thinking it would be a cool idea if we could post up a small pic of ourselves to appear under our name in our posts. It wouldn’t necessarily be a photo, just a picture to represent us (like a zbrush figure or something). Of course it might make the pages take too long to dload, but its worth a try.

Reputed to be the ‘Entity’, on the Forum about a year ago… :smiley:

Naw, that ain’t him. :rolleyes:

I came across his picture in an on-line computer graphics magazine a while back, but alas, that website seems to have long since gone the way of the dinosaur.

Plus, if the link still existed, I would’ve only posted it if Pixolator said it was okay.

I just thought it was a cool image, and I can’t even remember who posted it… :wink:

It was Kruzr who posted it. :slight_smile:

I found the original posting here.

Thanx for the trip down memory lane, W/O! :smiley:

Ah, then we were awaiting 1.23b :slight_smile:

This really is a great thread!
I feel like a such a cheater, I finally get to see all these faces… as I lurk! lol