
The little world of...

Hi :smiley: !

Some new stuff!
First, a speed sculpt’ character, rendered in Zbrush with a postwork in fusion, nothing special, just done to have fun and relax:

The second, the crab, is a secondary character for my next complete scene, he’s goint to be really small in the final picture so i didn’t spend too much time on it, just what i needed ^^
The final material and lighting will probably be different, these one’s are just tests :wink:
I really hope you will enjoy the final pic, but i can’t say more about it so far… just wanted to share with you his little shiny eyes mouahaha !

Here are some steps of the crab process :wink:

Hey Simon, I really like your grab design. Your modeling skill awesome! And thank you for sharing modeling stages :+1: . Could you explain to me, What is “cavity” map? How can you create it?

Hi Ahmet!

Thanks for the comments !

The cavity map represent … mmmh… a kind of deph map of your model, where the cavity are. you can create it from Zmapper, in the normal map / cavity panel :wink:

It’s usefull to work with your maps in photoshop, or also in post production to make some fine tuning in your comp!

that crab is awesome!!! i love it! thanks for showing the steps there, really helps :slight_smile:
max render? what material do you use in max? SSS?

Thank you so much Simon!
I’m sure, it is very usefull for realistic work. I will try now with zmapper.

Cheers :wink:

awesome as usual guy! :+1:
couple quickies:
are you running low poly+disp in the max renders?
the center-bottom crab pass, is that an occ?

Beautiful original work here. Great renders as well, congrats. Keep it up.


Mradamw: yep as usual i’ve made the render in mental ray with the sss fast skin in max 2008 :wink:

Ahmet : thanks to you !

Super Glicher : yeah i’m gonna use the displacement on the crab for my final picture, because my scene is already full of polygons T_T , but for this one it’s the hi res mesh without displacement, because i still can’t get exactly the same shapes with it… even if i begin to find the good parameters +_+
The center bottom pass is the displacement map ! to make the occlusion map, you can use Xnormal, a freeware who work great !

Roxmysox : thanks for the comment it’s always good for motivation :wink:

ahh. use maya here, so occ is built in +
can bake out to file tex for comp. too :+1:

are you using mental ray’s DOF on the
earlier posts? the lens blur on your sketch
this morning is really nice (fusion?)

  • love that moire noise pattern

can’t wait to see the final scene :wink:

Can’t say enough about those renders. Great stuff!

Bryan Wynia


Hey there !
i’ve made a quick animation with my crab to test the displacement+sss+ final gather onto an animated mesh, you willfind it HERE

i’ll put it on youtube soon, can somebody tell me how to make a video appear directly in the forum page ? paste the <embeb code doesn’t look to work T_T

For the deph of field i do a grey scale render and use the frishluft DOF plugin in fusion, clean and fast!

THat crab is awesome and the animation is great too? Your an animator too?

With a walk like that, it’s a brother crab for sure.
Awesome little anim. Hard to tell by the size, but
is there collision/bounce between the claw and
the floor? Maybe optical illusion from the shadows…


haha yep there’s a big penetration into the ground mouahaha… but the point was not to do a perfect animation, just to test the displacement in animation :wink:

this walk cycle is a Cat toolkit cycle i’ve modified, cat is really cool to test your characters quickly, as much as for animate! But to answer Womball, yeah i love animation too… i just miss time now to animate with everything else but… you can find my animation stuff in my demo! :smiley:

( www.simonblanc.com)

thanks for the comments guys !

Amazing models, colors and renders :+1:

Hey there!

A new (verrry) speed today, nothing extraordinary, but it was good to work on it in 2D with photoshop after… reminded me the good old times when i was webdesigner mouaha…

hey dude. great sculpts fantastic renders. you seem to make your models look so small and delicate really wonderful. gives them a sense of miniturized realism. like a 3D print. great stuff.

this last one reminds me a little bit of fire marshall bill :lol:
nice to see a new one! web design eh? wow. good ol’
guides + cut tool…

edit hey how’s it going with the animation?
anything else to show?? :wink:

looks around :wink: