
The little world of...

Hey everybody :slight_smile:

so busy at work actually… but i’ve take few hours to do some speed sculpts!

Hey Hey!! Alright!!
Third one is awesome ! :+1:
good to see you back :sunglasses:

There’s power behind the poses you put them in, and incredibly nice detailing.

You kick 14 different types of ass, simultaneously lol :lol:

Thank you guys for the nice words :wink:
i still have to finish two other personal projects, the little crab will be back soon with a lot more hehe!

and he’s back!

the models are AMAZING, the materials are AMAZING, the renders are AMAZING, and the overall look and detail is… well u get my point, great work!!! :+1:

This is just great, super, fantastic, INCREDIBLE, EXTRAORDINARY, AWSOME,:grimacing: :+1:

want to see more, lots more

Something about your first speed sculpt reminds me of Hugh Laurie… I really love the style of the second head.

Fantastic work.

Thx for the comments guys! her’s a new speed i did yesterday!
Have a nice day :wink:

schweeet :smiley: :+1:

Stunning work Simon,your shaders are awesome!

if youre rendering these in mental ray or anything is there a way you could share your render/lighting set up? i am trying to develop lighting setups to show off my models and I really love the very simple soft lighting you have going on.

Simply stunning and amazing work. I’m just slightly blown away from what I’ve been seeing. Awsome.

Blur Studios huh? Probobly one of my most favorite studios out there. :slight_smile: Hopefully in 2 years (jeez 2 years?!!) I’ll be done at San Jose State and be looking at Job Opertunities at Blur.

Very cool. Keep up all of the great work!

rkrehe20 >> the latests renders comes from zbrush, if i want to do a quick render i use zbrush with differents materials, and i mix the renders in photoshop to find something cool :slight_smile:
but if you want a nice light setup in max , use the area light with mental ray, they work great to have smooth shadows !

Everybody >> THANKS and more to come !

Hi Simon,

Like the last image, and the process you used to comp the different renders together. Are you using a combination of Toy Plastic and a base colour material?


Wow, nice to see some new updates! The third and last images are intense! Are these all ZB renders with post? Very strong style.

Great work Simon!, thanks for the new updates. As always very cool & original pieces :+1: :+1:

that last one is stunning.:+1: :+1:
could you show us how you did those mechanical parts?

i’ve tried to make metalic stuff with no satisfying results.

and keep it up whant to see more, lots more:D

Your aliens remind me of the Tool videos. Great renders and sculpts. Keep it up!

The secret sauce is within :wink: