
Skeches and Things of that Nature

Here is some progress sculpting her Rifle.

Great work on the weapon, did you do it completely in zbrush?
Fantastic work overall on the modeL!:+1:

:+1: looking great - keep at it !!

Gary Komar: Thanks man. Persistence!

KC-Production: Thanks! I did maybe 50% in Zbrush. Some of the harder edge pieces like the heat shield and stock I blocked out in Max. The main body part is such a weird shape tho I couldn’t quite visualize it in Max so I just used Dynamesh.

Here is the game mesh with some WIP textures. I am trying to figure out what to do with that pinkyish orange on the body and handle.


Here is the posed mesh with her gun. I think I am done? Maybe? Any easy suggestions?


Really nice retopo/character!

Easy suggestion: The high heel, move it more underneath her actual heel. Look at reference. If it is a design choice, I would re-consider it, cause it looks awkward/feels like would be uncomfortable (never used high heels… am a guy :stuck_out_tongue: ) Feels off balance.

It looks pretty solid. I think it could use some adjustments. First I think the texture could use a bit more love…slightly more apparent wear, esp on the gun. Also, the spec could use work…the nice pop on the chest is cool but there is almost no pop anywhere else. i would expect the gun to have some nice spec as well. I would also love to see a bit more attitude in the final presentation. maybe bring her brows down and give her a smirk…some sort of facial expression to give her more personality. I would also suggest giving her more of a dynamic pose…not necessarily action but bringing her hips forward, chest back, head forward, basically more S curve will go a long way in the posture. All in all, nice work!

daidda: Great catch! I moved it in some. The texture was starting to distort so I didn’t move it as much as I would have liked but its still better IMO.

sarakawa: Thanks man. I took your advice and added more/hotter spec to the gun. I think it helped? With the light positions its not always catching where I want it too. I wish Toolbag had better include and exclude options for lights. It’s subtle but I also added more of an expression and moved her hips forward which helped alot IMO. Thanks for the good suggestions.


Here are some different views too.


No problem, It’s a great model! Reminds me of a lady I know actually.

It’s easy to get blind to such details on a model you have been at for a while… Happy to provide a fresh set of eyeballs :stuck_out_tongue:

I decided I would try and bust out one of the helms for this chick. It shouldn’t take too long. Here is what I have so far. I wish Noise Maker was out right now so I could put some pattern on those tubes!


Hey nice work I really like your last sculpt, that helmet is sweet ! It would definetly make the girl look alot more aggressive and more sci fi. In my opinion it looks alot better than the “hat/helm” shes wearing now. :+1:

Xerotin: Thanks man. Yea I like the contrast of human vs machine. It sorta like Samus… Bad Ass with the armor on and girly underneath.

Here is an update on the low poly with some textures.


nice textures man, how do you do it ?

Thanks man. It was mainly just flat Polypainted flat colors. I also Polypainted a B&W spec map that I used as the spec and sorta of a mask for the texture overlays. It went pretty easy cause I could sample colors from the body texture.

Nice helmet! The emissive map is working well on the eyes.
The hard edges from the sculpt came through well too.
Looks like Noisemaker is now out too for any future work like the tubing if you’re interested!

Nice work converting it to a low poly looks great.

Thanks guys.

I started this model alittle while back but I finally have time to pick it up again so I thought I would start posting my progress. Based on the awesome concept by Ted Beargeon

The first leg is just duplicated and rotated for the other ones to get a feel for it. I am going to make them alittle different from each other in the end.


Wow, last creature is awesome! :+1:

Awesome creatures!! Really love the shapes and the way they combine together!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Nice! Matching the concept pretty well so far. Fun detailing with the spikes. The tail-end feels a little smaller than in the concept at the moment.