
Scared Silly Entry by John Saleem

ok I know the idea says hand mirror but I decided to create a big mirror where I can show more of jack-o-lantern reflection, I might go for half body reflection of jack instead of his face only, and maybe its gonna be kindda embossed like reflection … still not sure.

I hope that slight concept change doesn’t violate the rules of the contest !!

our troll now got his nightie and he is wearing it, i used the topology tool to create the nightie, still trying to decide what color/texture for the nightie fits him, also worked on Jack’s body and gave him more evil sarcastic laugh and placed him in the mirror.





awesome. ive given up on mine. too much work on and got caught up in another project. win this for those who bottle out mate!!

henrysouth : thank you, and sorry to hear you are leaving the contest, more luck with the next one :+1:

Amazing stuff nightwoodwolf. :+1:

This is turning out to be an amazing entry O.o

really interesting concept. scary but funny… sweet!:smiley:

Holy crap that mirror pumpkin dude looks good! By the way… and I can’t believe I am about to say this… I like the dress the troll is wearing on the left!:rolleyes:

This is coming along so well, wolf…I actually made an audible chuckle when I saw the latest updates. The troll’s facial expression is wonderful, and Jack coming from the mirror is 10X better than I imagined it.

I have to step up my game big time, now. Thanks for making my job harder. :wink:

Giantsun : thank you.
squeige : thank you.
monicaM : thank you.
dustbin1_uk : thank you, i am still deciding which one i like on him more, glad we still have time, best luck.

Slosh : thank you, jack coming out of the mirror is better than the idea of the refelection only, still working on him :+1:

here are some images of textured troll and nightie, still WIP.




i love it! at first i thought oj no not a realistic monster again but the toon eyes and dress are great i got to catch up on that hope ill have time to brush later. :+1: :+1: great

That is to Funny!
Great modeling, and texture.:smiley:

Great character. You should go with a pink Teddy.

What a great critter! I could see having one of those for a pet! Very cool. Love the textures on him. And that expression on his face is cracking me up.

Pumpkin-dude coming out of the mirror on the previous page is just AMAZING.

Really sweet work. I’m lovin it!

Ok now I like the red dress it goes with his eyes mmmooo…WHAT!?.. ok my wife gets tips from her friends and I happened to over hear… honestly stop looking at me like that… I just like the color red… no that is not my weekend dress hanging in my wardrobe… no my wife’s heels are not stretched from my feet…I just thought the red goes better… look I just like red ok? <sulk>

Sheesh dude, that model is excellent! I love the color, texture, and the pose. You’re really zipping along rather nicley. Hopefully you wont have time to finish so I might have a chance to win hehe.

Enjoying your work. You are very good. :+1:

Disco Stu : thank you, i start with simple stuff then i build up more details.
sadicus : thank you.
Blaine91555 : pink is nice, but i am trying to find a good balance with his skin, dress and other parts color, i am even finding the eye color is too strong, i might tone it down a bit later.
Morbius : thank you.
dustbin1_uk : :smiley: … dont worry i like the red one too, thanks for the funny comment :+1:

-WOODY- : lol … glad you like it, by the way i really like your post about the old cowboy he is really cool, i had to stop working on a centaur character i think i will post the work after i am done with this contest, good luck :+1:

O.K. I’m glad I found the time to work today. I created the clothes box that his mom is going to send the nightie in. I must say it was really harder than I thought to model the box and all the pieces without basemeshes in maya.

I had to start with primatives from zbrush and use the Deformations a lot. there were no zspheres involved except for the handles, still WIP.


Tallin : thank you i am glad you like it :slight_smile: